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Towards Optimal Customized Architecture for Heterogeneous Federated Learning with Contrastive Cloud-Edge Model Decoupling

1. Abstract

Federated learning, as a promising distributed learning paradigm, enables collaborative training of a global model across multiple network edge clients without the need for central data collecting. However, the heterogeneity of edge data distribution will draft the model towards the local minima, which can be distant from the global optimum. This phenomenon called “client-draft” often leads to slow convergence and substantial communication overhead. To tackle these issues, we propose a novel federated learning framework called FedCMD with a contrastive Cloud-edge model decoupling to separate deep neural networks into a body for capturing shared representations in the Cloud and a personalized head for migrating data heterogeneity in the edges. Departing from the traditional approach of rigidly assigning the last layer as the personalized head and pre-output layers as the body, we explore the performance gains of selecting different neural network layers as the personalized head and find that utilizing the last layer is not always optimal. This observation inspired us to investigate a representation method to capture the heterogeneity of data distributions of each client and leverage the knowledgeization toward optimal personalized layer selection. Therefore, we utilize the low-dimensional representation of each layer to contrast feature distribution transfer and introduce a Wasserstein-based layer selection method, aimed at identifying the best-match layer for personalization. Additionally, a weighted global aggregation algorithm is proposed based on the selected personalized layer for the practical application of FedCMD. Extensive experiments on ten benchmarks demonstrate the efficiency and superior performance of our solution compared with nine state-of-the-art solution.

2. Framework


The above figure presents the diagram of FedCMD. We consider the Cloud-edge cooperation system, in which two types of nodes are involved, including one Cloud server, and multiple edge clients. FedCMD contains two major phases including the personalized layer selection phase and the heterogeneous federated learning phase with the Cloud-edge model decoupling. In personalized layer selection phase, the Cloud-edge system employs the standard federated learning such as FedAvg and utilizes the contrastive layer selection mechanism to collaboratively elect the personalized layer. Thus, the selection proceeds as follows:

  • Global parameters broadcasting: The central server initializes the global model parameter and distributes them to all edge clients.
  • Local model updating: After receiving the global parameter, each client updates their local model and trains the model using the local data.
  • Local Layer Selection: Based on the criteria of the personalized layer selection, each edge client selects a personalized layer from their model during the training.
  • Communication of local gradients: Edge clients send updates of their local model parameters and their chosen personalized layer back to the Cloud server.
  • Cloud-side processing: The Cloud server applies the standard federated aggregation to update the parameter of the global model and determine the layer selected by the most number of edge clients as the personalized layer.

Once this personalized layer is determined, it remains fixed throughout the heterogeneous federated learning phase. The personalized layer’s parameters do not participate in global aggregation and are updated locally on the edge client side. In contrast, the other layers of the model parameters are updated through a weighted federated aggregation, the specifics of which will be detailed in the algorithm design section. The process of the federated learning phase can be outlined as:

  • Global parameters broadcasting: The central Cloud server transmits the global model parameter, excluding the personalized layer, to edge clients.
  • Local model updating: Upon receiving the global parameter, each edge client updates their local model and trains the model using the local data.
  • Communication of local gradients: Edge clients send updates of their local model parameters back to the Cloud server.
  • Cloud-side processing:The Cloud server utilizes the personalized layer parameters to calculate the weight matrix and implements weighted federated aggregation to update the parameters of the body layers.

3. Installation

Environment Preparation 🚀

PyPI 🐍

📢 Note that FedCMD needs 3.10 <= python < 3.12. I suggest you to checkout your python version before installing packages by pip.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Conda 💻

conda env create -f environment.yml

Poetry 🎶

At China mainland

poetry install

Not at China mainland

sed -i "26,30d" pyproject.toml && poetry lock --no-update && poetry install

Docker 🐳

At China mainland

docker build -t FedCMD .

Not at China mainland

docker build \
-t FedCMD \
--build-arg IMAGE_SOURCE=karhou/ubuntu:basic \
--build-arg CHINA_MAINLAND=false \

Download FedCMD

You can download FedCMD from Github:

git clone

4. How to use


  • ./data/: This folder is used to store the datasets, where the file [`./data/`]( is used to divide and generate the datasets.
  • ./src/: This folder contains configuration, client-side and server-side files, including fedcmd and other baseline methods, for easy user changes.
  • ./Experiments/: This folder holds all the results of our experiments.


Datasets Partition

# partition the CIFAR-10 according to Dir(0.1) for 100 clients
cd data
python -d cifar10 -a 0.1 -cn 100
cd ../

Supported Datasets

Regular Image Datasets

  • MNIST (1 x 28 x 28, 10 classes)

  • CIFAR-10/100 (3 x 32 x 32, 10/100 classes)

  • EMNIST (1 x 28 x 28, 62 classes)

  • FashionMNIST (1 x 28 x 28, 10 classes)

  • Syhthetic Dataset

  • FEMNIST (1 x 28 x 28, 62 classes)

  • CelebA (3 x 218 x 178, 2 classes)

  • SVHN (3 x 32 x 32, 10 classes)

  • USPS (1 x 16 x 16, 10 classes)

  • Tiny-ImageNet-200 (3 x 64 x 64, 200 classes)

  • CINIC-10 (3 x 32 x 32, 10 classes)

  • DomainNet (3 x ? x ?, 345 classes)

Medical Image Datasets

Easy Run 🏃‍♂️

FedCMD and other baseline methods are inherited from FedAvgServer and FedAvgClient. If you wanna figure out the entire workflow and detail of variable settings, go check ./src/server/ and ./src/client/

# run FedAvg on CIFAR-10 with default settings.
cd src/server
python -d cifar10

About methods of generating federated dastaset, go check data/ for full details.

Monitor 📈 (recommended 👍)

  1. Run python -m visdom.server on terminal.
  2. Run src/server/ --visible 1
  3. Go check localhost:8097 on your browser.

Generic Arguments 🔧

📢 All generic arguments have their default value. Go check get_fedavg_argparser() in FedCMD/src/server/ for full details of generic arguments.

About the default values and hyperparameters of advanced FL methods, go check corresponding FedCMD/src/server/ for full details.

Argument Description
--dataset The name of dataset that experiment run on.
--model The model backbone experiment used.
--seed Random seed for running experiment.
--join_ratio Ratio for (client each round) / (client num in total).
--global_epoch Global epoch, also called communication round.
--local_epoch Local epoch for client local training.
--finetune_epoch Epoch for clients fine-tunning their models before test.
--test_gap Interval round of performing test on clients.
--eval_test Non-zero value for performing evaluation on joined clients' testset before and after local training.
--eval_train Non-zero value for performing evaluation on joined clients' trainset before and after local training.
--local_lr Learning rate for client local training.
--momentum Momentum for client local opitimizer.
--weight_decay Weight decay for client local optimizer.
--verbose_gap Interval round of displaying clients training performance on terminal.
--batch_size Data batch size for client local training.
--use_cuda Non-zero value indicates that tensors are in gpu.
--visible Non-zero value for using Visdom to monitor algorithm performance on localhost:8097.
--global_testset Non-zero value for evaluating client models over the global testset before and after local training, instead of evaluating over clients own testset. The global testset is the union set of all client's testset. NOTE: Activating this setting will considerably slow down the entire training process, especially the dataset is big.
--save_log Non-zero value for saving algorithm running log in FedCMD/out/${algo}.
--straggler_ratio The ratio of stragglers (set in [0, 1]). Stragglers would not perform full-epoch local training as normal clients. Their local epoch would be randomly selected from range [--straggler_min_local_epoch, --local_epoch).
--straggler_min_local_epoch The minimum value of local epoch for stragglers.
--external_model_params_file (New feature ✨) The relative file path of external (pretrained) model parameters (*.pt). e.g., ../../out/FedAvg/ Please confirm whether the shape of parameters compatible with the model by yourself. ⚠ This feature is enabled only when unique_model=False, which is pre-defined by each FL method.
--save_model Non-zero value for saving output model(s) parameters in FedCMD/out/${algo}. The default file name pattern is ${dataset}_${global_epoch}_${model}.pt.
--save_fig Non-zero value for saving the accuracy curves showed on Visdom into a .jpeg file at FedCMD/out/${algo}.
--save_metrics Non-zero value for saving metrics stats into a .csv file at FedCMD/out/${algo}.


This work is based on previous pFedSim studies, which are the source of the project documents.


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