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Go Reference build

Mageutil provides ready made targets and helper functions for Magefile. For usage please refer to documentation provided by Magefile. For autocompletions see completions.


Example magefile:

//go:build mage

package main

import (


	_ ""
	_ ""
	_ ""
	docker ""
	golang ""

// Configure imported targets
func init() {
	os.Setenv(mg.VerboseEnv, "1")
	os.Setenv("CGO_ENABLED", "0")

	golang.BuildTarget = "./cmd/myapp"
	golang.RunArgs = []string{"--loglevel", "0", "--development", "true"}
	docker.ImageName = ""
	docker.ProjectUrl = ""

Output with example magefile:

$ mage

  docker:build          builds docker image
  docker:push           pushes all tags for image
  git:clean             removes all untracked files from workspace
  go:build              build binary and calculate sha sum for it
  go:coverProfile       convert binary coverage into text format
  go:crossBuild         build binary for build matrix
  go:integrationTest    run integration tests
  go:licenses           reports licenses used by dependencies
  go:lint               runs golangci-lint for all go files.
  go:run                build binary and execute it
  go:test               run unit and integration tests
  go:tidy               run go mod tidy
  go:tidyAndVerify      verify that go.mod matches imports
  go:unitTest           run all unit tests
  go:viewCoverage       open test coverage in browser

Integration tests

Running mage go:integrationTest has couple expectations from test code:

  1. Test files must be placed under ./integrationtests
  2. Test must produce coverage files in binary format
  3. Coverage files must be placed under ./target/tests/cover/int/

To comply with these rules library like this could be used.