Django demo showcasing forms and Restful API. Features include:
View all posts on homepage or using api (read only for unregistered users)
User registration and login forms
Logged in users can post new forms using built-in form or API
RESTful API available at <website name>/api/
Simple and easy-to-understand code.
This is a Django web app allowing registered users to share their thoughts online.
The app has a dashboard displaying latest posts ordered by date. Users can post their
thoughts from their profile, and all posted thoughts are stored in a MySql database.
The app also includes Restful APIs for getting and storing posts, and a contact form
for users to send messages. The app has tests for all views in the main_app and sendmail apps.
Require venv, django and django rest framework
*Django Rest Framework:
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install django
pip install djangorestframework
python migrate
python runserver
Alin Rizea