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Training material made FAIR by design


ORCID Alexander Botxki

ORCID Bruna Piereck

ORCID Elin Kronander

ORCID Jessica Lindvall

ORCID Jill Jaworski

ORCID Kristen Schroeder

ORCID Nina Norgren

About this course

This 2 days course is based on the FAIR training handbook and 10 simple rules to make material FAIR publication. All sessions are structured in a way that complement each other aiming to introduce participants with a theoretical & hands-on approach of how to design FAIR training material.

Activities are intended to increase the technical skills and critical thinking during the development of a new training course. From A to Z participants are going to be challenged to work in a group to build a FAIR lesson on a topic to be presented at the end of the course. Come inspired!

Material license


Complement (Links for materials and Reading)

Learning Outcomes (LO's)


  • Create FAIR and open training material from the start
  • Apply FAIR principles to all elements of training material
  • Include AI tools in content creation of FAIR training material

Per session

Session 1: What is FAIR and why do I care?

  • Explain the 4 principles in the acronim FAIR
  • Differentiate FAIR and OPEN science and application in training material
  • Discuss the advantages of FAIR and OPEN training

Session 2: Planning and Designing a FAIR training

  • Describe pedagogical frameworks and methods that support Learning Outcome development (including Bloom’s Taxonomy and the Smartie Principles)
  • Create Learning Outcomes relevant to their own training
  • Understand how Nicholl’s Five Steps and the Training LIfe Cycle relate to FAIR
  • Describe how documentation pedagogically supports FAIR trainings
  • Describe methods for and means of documenting trainings documenting in a FAIR way

Session 3: How to host your training

  • List common e-learning platforms
  • Explain what the SCORM format is
  • Describe pros and cons of different Learning Management Systems, from a FAIR perspective
  • Create a github page to host and deliver training
  • Describe how to make your training material FAIR using only google drive

Session 4: Training material formats and interoperability

  • assess the degree of re-usability of training material
  • explain the concepts of re-usability, interoperability and extendibility for training material
  • develop presentation with narratives for each slides using Liascript

Session 5: Acknowledgements, a comprehensive perspective

  • Explain the importance of having a license and getting informed about other's license
  • Choosing a license for the material while understanding the duties and rights of each choice
  • Choosing illustrations based on their license
  • List and discuss the steps and challanges to create images with genAI
  • Defining Authorship and Contributors
  • Acknowledging othe training materials sources

Session 6: Put on your producer hat: considerations for FAIR video material

  • Describe the advantages and challenges of video media in FAIR training
  • Understand active and responsible AI usage in creating FAIR video materials
  • Find video materials to use in FAIR training
  • Annotate video material to make it FAIR
  • Apply FAIR video materials to your training delivery system

Session 7: Metadata and Findability

  • Define training metadata
  • Discuss the importance of training metadata
  • Register training metadata in TeSS manually

Session 8: Releases and use of unique identifiers

  • Explain what unique persistant identifiers are and their benefits
  • List and differentiate the types of unique identifiers that are relevant for publishing and sharing training materials
  • Compare different strategies for unique identifiers for training materials
  • Create versioned DOIs for training materials