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CRM Made By Anthony Gonzalez

Crm contact manager system made with elixir/phoenix and Drab to handle the browser user interface.

Crm Homepage

You are encouraged to create an account, but if you want to get a feel of Crm first, you may log in with any of the following users (all having a password of password123):

  • usertest1
  • usertest2
  • usertest3
  • usertest4
  • usertest5
  • usertest6
  • usertest7
  • usertest8
  • usertest9
  • usertest10

Main Features

  1. Log in required to view content
  2. Edit Account
  3. Contacts
  4. Notes
  5. Pagination
  6. My Groups
  7. Uploads

Details of Main Features

Log In Required

Crm Landing Page Crm Log in Page

In order to use the app you need to be an authenticated user, otherwise you will only see the landing page. I didn't use any packages, I made the authentication from scratch.

Edit Account

Crm Edit Account Page Users have the ability to edit their accounts.


Crm Add Contact Page

Logged in users can create contacts and groups to associate the contacts so they can filter by groups. When creating a new contact users have the ability to create groups and the drop down where you can associate the contact to a group will be automatically updated thanks to the use of Drab for realtime updates. Also you users can search for contacts.


Crm View Contact Page

When viewing a contact users can add notes associated to that contact, delete and edit notes all done with Drab for realtime updates.


Pagination for contacts and notes are done with the Kerosene package.

My groups

Crm My Groups Page

Users can delete groups.


Users can upload avatar for contacts, it's done with the packages Arc, Arc.Ecto.

Note: Uploads won't work in heroku because I'm using local storage.

If you've made it through reading all this, you really should head over to Crm.

To start your Phoenix app:

  • Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  • Create and migrate your database with mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate
  • Install Node.js dependencies with npm install
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phoenix.server

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

Ready to run in production? Please check our deployment guides.