Users can click a button to pull a random picture from the Curiosity rover library. The images are all from the rover's Mast camera system (The Mast Camera-- Mastcam for short -- takes color images and videos of the Martian terrain and is mounted about 6.5 feet off the ground). The page will also show the title of the photo, a brief description, as well as other information.
Learn more about Curiosity on NASA's site! Curiosity launched on November 26, 2011 and landed on Mars at 1:32 a.m. EDT on August 6, 2012. Its original mission was only meant two be two years, but it was extended indefinitely and Curiosity is still roving around to this day!
Planned features:
- Navigation menu - desktop & mobile
- Additional information related to the photos from the API
- Pictures from the rover's different cameras
- NASA: Curiosity mission page
- NASA API portal
- HTML Color Codes
- W3 Schools
- Stack Overflow
- Planet icon created by Freepik - Flaticon