Elasticsearch Erlang Client, OTP 19, rebar3
This module allows to perform different operations against a single elasticsearch cluster,
one of the most interesting features is the bulk
indexing that allows to push a number
of documents to the cluster, also there is an scroll
function that allows to scroll over
a set of results from the cluster, that helps to get a big quantity of documents using an
iterator, and process them as they are retrieved until the result set is done.
If environment_var
atom is used as host, the module will look in the os:getenv(ENV_ELASTICSEARCH_HOST)
for the hostname, if var is not yet defined it will default to localhost
%%-*- mode: erlang -*-
{elasticsearch, [
{host, "localhost"}, %% or environment_var atom
{port, 9200},
{ssl, false},
{max_sessions, 10},
{shards, 2},
{replicas, 1},
{max_pipeline_size, 1},
{http_options, [{timeout, 1500000}]},
{basic_auth, {"fake-user", "fake-pass"}}
% vim:ft=erlang
This project is supported by John Diaz, email me for any issues email
Please see project definition documentation
Run: make shell
Eshell V8.2 (abort with ^G)
(erl@local)1> elasticsearch:create_index("index-name").
(erl@local)1> elasticsearch:index_exists("index-name").
WARNING: This will create and delete a test-index Test
Eshell V8.2 (abort with ^G)
(erl@local)1> elasticsearch:test().
Function | Parameters | Description |
create_index/1 | "index-name" | Checks if the index exists, if not, creates it |
create_index/2 | "index-name", {Shards, Replicas} | Creates an index with settings |
path_exists/1 | "path" | checks a specific path in Elasticsearch "index-name/mapping-name/docId" |
bulk/2 | {Index, Type}, term() | uses bulk api to push documents into elasticsearch, see Bulk Api |
An erlang client for elasticsearch's REST interface