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Azure Storage Append Blob output plugin buffers logs in local file and uploads them to Azure Storage Append Blob periodically. This plugin is a fork of microsoft/fluent-plugin-azure-storage-append-blob which is not actively maintained.



gem install fluent-plugin-azure-storage-append-blob-lts


Add following line to your Gemfile:

gem "fluent-plugin-azure-storage-append-blob-lts"

And then execute:



<match pattern>
  type azure-storage-append-blob

  azure_cloud                       <azure cloud environment>
  azure_storage_dns_suffix          <your azure storage dns suffix> # only used for Azure Stack Cloud
  azure_storage_account             <your azure storage account>
  azure_storage_access_key          <your azure storage access key> # leave empty to use MSI
  azure_storage_connection_string   <your azure storage connection string> # leave empty to use MSI
  azure_storage_sas_token           <your azure storage sas token> # leave empty to use MSI
  azure_imds_api_version            <Azure Instance Metadata Service API Version> # only used for MSI
  azure_token_refresh_interval      <refresh interval in min> # only used for MSI
  azure_container                   <your azure storage container>
  azure_msi_client_id               <Azure Managed Identity Client ID> # only used for MSI
  auto_create_container             true
  path                              logs/
  azure_object_key_format           %{path}%{time_slice}_%{index}.log
  time_slice_format                 %Y%m%d-%H
  compress                          false
  compute_checksums                 true
  # if you want to use %{tag} or %Y/%m/%d/ like syntax in path / azure_blob_name_format,
  # need to specify tag for %{tag} and time for %Y/%m/%d in <buffer> argument.
  <buffer tag,time>
    @type file
    path /var/log/fluent/azurestorageappendblob
    timekey 120 # 2 minutes
    timekey_wait 60
    timekey_use_utc true # use utc

azure_cloud (Optional)


Cloud environment used to determine the storage endpoint suffix to use, see here.

Use AZURESTACKCLOUD for Azure Stack Cloud.

azure_storage_dns_suffix (Required only for Azure Stack Cloud)

Your Azure Storage endpoint suffix. This can be retrieved from Azure Storage connection string, EndpointSuffix section.

azure_storage_account (Required)

Your Azure Storage Account Name. This can be retrieved from Azure Management portal.

azure_storage_access_key or azure_storage_sas_token or azure_storage_connection_string (Any required or all empty to use MSI)

Your Azure Storage Access Key (Primary or Secondary) or shared access signature (SAS) token or full connection string. This also can be retrieved from Azure Management portal.

If all are empty, the plugin will use the local Managed Identity endpoint to obtain a token for the target storage account.

azure_imds_api_version (Optional, only for MSI)

Default: 2020-12-01

The Instance Metadata Service is used during the OAuth flow to obtain an access token. This API is versioned and specifying the version is mandatory.

See here for more details.

azure_token_refresh_interval (Optional, only for MSI)

Default: 60 (1 hour)

When using MSI, the initial access token needs to be refreshed periodically.

azure_container (Required)

Azure Storage Container name

azure_msi_client_id (Optional, only for MSI)

Azure Identity Client ID to use for accessing Azure Blob service.


Default: true

This plugin creates the Azure container if it does not already exist exist when you set 'auto_create_container' to true.


The format of Azure Storage object keys. You can use several built-in variables:

  • %{path}
  • %{time_slice}
  • %{index}

to decide keys dynamically.

%{path} is exactly the value of path configured in the configuration file. E.g., "logs/" in the example configuration above. %{time_slice} is the time-slice in text that are formatted with time_slice_format. %{index} is used only if your blob exceed Azure 50000 blocks limit per blob to prevent data loss. Its not required to use this parameter.

The default format is "%{path}%{time_slice}-%{index}.log".

For instance, using the example configuration above, actual object keys on Azure Storage will be something like:


With the configuration:

azure_object_key_format %{path}/events/ts=%{time_slice}/events.log
path log
time_slice_format %Y%m%d-%H

You get:


The fluent-mixin-config-placeholders mixin is also incorporated, so additional variables such as %{hostname}, etc. can be used in the azure_object_key_format. This is useful in preventing filename conflicts when writing from multiple servers.

azure_object_key_format %{path}/events/ts=%{time_slice}/events-%{hostname}.log


Format of the time used in the file name. Default is '%Y%m%d'. Use '%Y%m%d%H' to split files hourly.


Default: false

If true, compress (gzip) the file prior to uploading it.

Note: If desired, set .gz suffix via azure_object_key_format.


azure_object_key_format %{path}%{time_slice}-%{index}.log.gz


Default: true

Whether to compute MD5 checksum of the blob contents during append operation and provide it in a header for the blob service.

You want to set it to false in FIPS-enabled environments.

Run tests

gem install bundler
bundle install
bundle exec rake test

Test Fluentd

  1. Create Storage Account and VM with enabled MSI

  2. Setup Docker ang Git

  3. SSH into VM

  4. Download this repo

    git clone
    cd fluent-plugin-azure-storage-append-blob-lts
  5. Build Docker image docker build -t fluent .

  6. Run Docker image with different set of parameters:

    1. STORAGE_ACCOUNT: required, name of your storage account
    2. STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY: storage account access key
    3. STORAGE_SAS_TOKEN: storage sas token with enough permissions for the plugin

    You need to specify STORAGE_ACCOUNT and one of auth ways. If you run it from VM with MSI, just STORAGE_ACCOUNT is required. Keep in mind, there is no way to refresh MSI Token, so ensure you setup proper permissions first.

    docker run -it -e STORAGE_ACCOUNT=<storage> -e STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY=<key> fluent


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Fluent Plugin Azure Storage Append Blob







No packages published


  • Ruby 95.1%
  • Dockerfile 4.9%