This project is created to explain how spock specification kind unit testing could be done in a kotlin project.
- Gradle
- Groovy for Testing
- Kotlin
Clone the project and have a look to the TestableSpec. You will see a test specification class which is written in Groovy.
If you open the terminal and type command gradle test -i
this will run all test function in the specification.
If you run gradle -Dtest.single=Testable test -i
this will run only the TestableSpec. You can also create a test
task in your build.gradle to manage your test individually, this could be helpful if you want to distinguish unit and
integration specs.
- Easy and takes less time to create a test. (Comparison of JUnit and some mocking framework).
- It comes mocking, spying, and stubbing out of the box.
- BDD(Behavior driven development) like, that makes your test even more clear.
- Perfectly works with Groovy syntax. Use closures, straightforward maps, iterate with various inputs combination on
Note: You can still write jUnit test under test.kotlin folder. It is possible to test your units with both framework.