NRap was created to be used as a 1-to-1 representation of Raptor Flowchart Interpreter programs.
procedure main() {
x = "Hello, world"
// The second parameter indicates if a newline should be printed
output(x, true)
y = 1+2
if y > 0 {
// my_x_negated is created automatically if it's an «out» argument
neg(x, my_x_negated)
output(my_x_negated, true)
// Store input in variable «n»
input("Insert n for fib(n): ", n);
fib(n, result);
output("Result: ", false);
output(result, true);
// «out» parameters are used as return values
procedure neg(x, out neg_x) {
neg_x = -x
procedure fib(n, out result) {
if n < 2 {
result = n;
} else {
fib(n-1, result1);
fib(n-2, result2);
result = result1 + result2;
debug: cargo build
release: cargo build --release
The resulting binary is in nrap/target/[debug | release]
./nrap <file>
cargo run --release ./nrap_examples/fib.nrap