A simple CLI interface to AFC via libimobiledevice.
libimobiledevice (v 1.1.5+) https://github.com/libimobiledevice/libimobiledevice
For building, clang is also required (support for Blocks).
On Linux you will need the BlocksRuntime development libs. On Ubuntu the package is called 'libblocksruntime-dev'.
$ make
Usage: afcclient [rs:c:d:u:vh] command cmdargs...
-r, --root Use the afc2 server if jailbroken (ignored with -c/-d)
-s, --service=NAME> Use the specified lockdown service (ignored with -c/-d)
-c, --container=<APP-ID> Access dir for app-id (may not work on newer iOS vers)
-d, --documents=<APP-ID> Access doc dir for app-id (prefix paths with Documents/)
-u, --uuid=<UDID> Specify the device udid
-v, --verbose Enable verbose debug messages
-h, --help Display this help message
Where "command" and "cmdargs..." are as folows:
devinfo dump device info from AFC server
ls/list <dir> [dir2...] list remote directory contents
info <path> [path2...] dump remote file information
mkdir <path> [path2...] create directory at path
rm <path> [path2...] remove directory at path
rename <from> <to> rename path 'from' to path 'to'
link <target> <link> create a hard-link from 'link' to 'target'
symlink <target> <link> create a symbolic-link from 'link' to 'target'
cat <path> cat contents of <path> to stdout
get <path> [localpath] download a file (default: current dir)
put <localpath> [path] upload a file (default: remote top-level dir)
- listing output is fugly
Eric Monti - esmonti at gmail dot com