This is a template for a Next.js project with API request, 3dr party images (check next.config.js). with login pages.
the API request is based on client-side rendering(each time the client request low performance but last data )
all of the keys and passwords should be stored in the "secret.json" file or ".env" file for your local test.
make sure both these files are in the ".gitignore" file ( to NOT accidentally upload the sensitive file ).
Create .env file and past login credentials in this file.
npm i
First, run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
you have to add your npm package to "package.json" in the main folder
all of the server-side code should be added in the server folder and each section needed to have a folder, like "db" for the database.
node server/index.js
Nobody should be push to the "main" branch. everybody should create a new branch with a number and a meaning full name and after code review, we can merge the code.
if you get a issue about "SWR " you can try :
npm i