Releases: emu-russia/breaks
MOS 6502 Decoder dump from HDL model
Wrote a small HDL test bench that goes through all the decoder inputs and outputs the values of all 130 outputs for each combination of inputs.
The lower six bits of input vector represent the Tx. The remaining high bits are IR.
The numbering of the outputs corresponds:
Note the special 129th output ("pp") (it occurs twice in the real processor), and that the decoder does not use /PRDY and IR0, which in the real processor are hardcoded directly into the PLA matrix.
It can be used to verify your 6502 designs.
APU HDL Release 1.0
- Topological masks were reconstructed from the chip photo
- Transistor circuits were reconstructed from topological masks
- Transistor circuits were converted into logic circuits (gates)
- Logic circuits were formalized on Verilog
Also inside the archive is the Test Bench for Icarus Verilog, which was used for verification.
Breaking NES Book - PPU, Revision B8
Незначительные корректировки раздела RGB PPU. Книга готова к печати.
Minor adjustments to the RGB PPU section. The book is ready for printing.
Revisited PAL APU/PPU datasets
Я сделал небольшую ретроспективу датасетов RP2A07/2C07. Собрал все данные, сшил что не было сшито до этого.
Всем исследователям PAL версий чипов будет интересно.
Чипы истерзаны временем и мною, но фотки позволяют извлечь все нужные данные.
Примечание по RP2C07(PPU): Чип для исследования я брал на eBay, он оказался нерабочим (горелым). Поэтому там справа внизу такой большой кусок грязи. Во то время я ещё не умел чистить чипы в ацетоне, поэтому так. Но очень удачно получилось, что там находится Data Reader, который топологически практически идентичен NTSC PPU, так что можно не волноваться.
I did a little retrospective on the RP2A07/2C07 datasets. Collected all the data, stitched what was not stitched before.
All researchers of PAL versions of chips will be interested.
The chips are tormented by time and by me, but the pics allow you to extract all the data you need.
Note on RP2C07(PPU): I got the chip for the study on eBay, it turned out to be non-working (burned). That's why there is such a big piece of dirt on the bottom right. At the time I didn't know how to clean chips in acenton yet, so that's how it is. But very fortuitously there is a Data Reader there, which is topologically almost identical to the NTSC PPU, so you don't have to worry.
Breaking NES Book - APU, Revision A6
Related to #865
Breaking NES Book - 6502, Revision B5
Related to #865
Большой Релиз PPU
Данный релиз является большой вехой в развитии проекта.
Этим релизом мы завершаем все многолетние исследования PPU 2C02.
Результаты исследований:
- Полная транзисторная схема PPU и его топология (
- Схема PPU для Logisim (
- Вики по PPU (
- Книга по PPU (
- Симулятор PPU на C++ (
Всё проверено и работает.
PPU Big Release
This release is a major milestone in the development of the project.
With this release we are concluding all the years of research on 2C02 PPU.
Research results:
- A complete PPU transistor circuit and its topology (
- PPU schematic for Logisim (
- PPU wiki (
- PPU book (
- PPU simulator in C++ (
All tested and working.
Breaking NES Book - PPU, Revision B7 (Rus)
- Добавлены недостающие схемы из Logisim
- Новые разделы (Межсоединения, PAL PPU, RGB PPU)
- Корректность схем проверена в симуляторе
Breaking NES Book - PPU, Revision B7 (Eng)
- Added missing schematics from Logisim
- New sections (Interconnections, PAL PPU, RGB PPU)
- Correctness of the schematics verified in the simulator