Steflix is a Recommender System that uses Weighted Matrix Factorisation to learn embeddings from movies ratings, and uses Content-based filtering and Collaborative filtering to suggest new (ranked) movies to the user.
First of all, clone the repository to your local machine:
mkdir project/folder
cd project/folder
git clone
and then install the required Python packages in order to correctly run the code:
pip install -r requirements.txt
The utils folder contains source code used for the project:
- the script contains the declaration of the
class, used by the Recommender System to calculate users and items embeddings starting from the (sparse) reviews matrix of users and items; - the script contains the declaration of the
class. It uses the above embeddings to perform Content-based filtering and Collaborative filtering of any user of the system.
In the RecommenderSystem.ipynb Jupyter notebook, a RecommenderSystem
is built starting from the reviews of 943 users to 1682 movies (data is taken from the MovieLens 100k dataset1). From the reviews matrix, the tastes of a specific user have been analyzed as an example, and suggestions have been made that seem to reflect what is expected from a recommendation engine.
How exactly does the Recommender System work, from a theoretical point of view?
First of all, we start from a matrix
Empty cells (i.e., unknown users' ratings) is exactly what we want to infer from the model. Knowing that, we would be able to suggest a user items that they would probably like, and keep them away from items that would probably dislike.
But what exactly are the features that a particular user considers when rating an item? If we knew them, and if we also knew how a particular item can be expressed as a combination of this features, we would also be able to retrieve expeced ratings for un-rated items.
It turns out that we don't need to know what this features are at all. Indeed, we call them latent features.
We can find two matrices
The algorithm used for this decomposition is the Weighted Alternating Least Squares algorithm2, in which:
- we start with
$U$ and$V$ randomly generated; - we fix
$U$ and fin, by solving a linear system, the best$V$ ; - we fix
$V$ and fin, by solving a linear system, the best$U$ ; - we repeat 2. and 3. for a fixed number of iterations.
Basically, with this algorithm we optimise the difference between the original matrix
Once we obtain this new matrices, we can use them to compute similarities (in our case, cosine similarity) of the rated items with respect to
- the unrated items, finding the ones nearest to a user tastes (Content-based filtering);
- the other users, finding clusters of people with similar interests (Collaborative filtering),from which we can extract new items to recommend to the user;
- a mix of these two methods, using an hybrid approach.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
F. Maxwell Harper and Joseph A. Konstan. 2015. The MovieLens Datasets: History and Context. ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TiiS) 5, 4: 19:1–19:19. ↩
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