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simple access to entrecode RabbitMQ via node.js

AsyncAPI Events Documentation

is found here:

Consume Patterns

Basically, there are two patterns we generally use for consuming RabbitMQ Events: Worker Queue and Publish/Subscribe.

Worker Queue

Mostly used: events are in a non-exclusive, persisted queue. Every event is processed exactly once from any worker process. If worker processes go offline, the events wait in the queue and are processed from another process.

Use cases are: sending emails, updating a database. Generally spoken: stuff that is stored globally and therefore events should only processed once.


Events are in an exclusive queue per process. The queue is non-persisting and only lives as long as the process lives. Useful for updating in-memory data in processes.

Other Usages

Publish Channel

To publish messages, call amqp.publishChannel(exchange). You'll get back an async function publish(routingKey, content, type, appID, options). This is a helper function for publishing messages. content is expected to be JSON which will be stringified and put in a Buffer in the function. A messageId and timestamp will be generated automatically. type, appID and options are optional. The exchange type and durability can be set optionally: amqp.publishChannel(exchange, 'fanout', false) (default is 'topic' and true).

Plain Channel

If you just want a ChannelWrapper to do anything you want with, you can call amqp.plainChannel(exchange). This returns immediately. The exchange type and durability can be set optionally: amqp.plainChannel(exchange, 'fanout', false) (default is 'topic' and true).

Usage Example

const amqp = require('ec.amqp');

// for health checks:
await amqp.isReachable(); // true if connected, throws if error

// consume worker queue pattern:
  async (event, properties, {ack, nack}) => {
    const eventType = properties.type;
    // event is parsed payload
    ack(); // always call ack() or nack()
    nack(10000) // call nack after timeout of 10 seconds. This is also the default. Second parameter requeue (default is `false` in contrast to amqplib native behavior), third parameter redirect queue (for dead-letter queues)
  1 // prefetch (default 1)

// consume pub/sub pattern:
  async (event, properties, {ack, nack}) => {
    const eventType = properties.type;
    // event is parsed payload
    ack(); // always call ack() or nack(), if you don't have noAck property set
    nack(10000) // call nack after timeout of 10 seconds. This is also the default
    noAck: true // options object is optional
    exchangeType: 'fanout', // default is 'topic'
    durableExchange: true // default is true
    durableQueue: false // default is false
    exclusiveQueue: true // default is true

// publish:
const publish = await amqp.publishChannel('myExchange');

publish('my.routing.key', contentJSON, 'didStuff', 'myAppID', { timestamp });
// options object is optional and can be used to overwrite defaults.

Example Event

  "entryID": "NJfFl_59j",
  "modelID": "5dd6bf21-a104-4942-94f4-8da9ca8c8b51",
  "private": false,
  "locale": "",
  "data": {
    "food": "VJlWJDMQo",
    "quantity": 2,
    "amount": null,
    "_creator": null,
    "creator": null
  "syncID": null,
  "entryAndAssetRelations": [
      "sourceEntry": "NJfFl_59j",
      "sourceLocale": "",
      "sourceField": "food",
      "targetEntry": "VJlWJDMQo",
      "validation": "food"
  "roleRelations": [],
  "uniqueFields": [],
  "readOnlyChecked": true,
  "modelTitle": "ingredient",
  "dataManagerID": "fc8aff95-fd00-4f98-ac06-61659b48657b",
  "shortID": "36c4b413",
  "user": {
    "accountID": "61afae15-8685-4d06-83bc-87e827ebb3d1",
    "userType": "ecUser"
  "oldEntryData": {
    "quantity": 1
  "modified": "2018-07-16T06:54:26.756Z",
  "hash": null

Custom Config

The module uses node-config internally. It brings default amqp configuration for default, stage and production NODE_ENVs. You can overwrite the config by providing a node-config in your app:

  active: true
  user: search
  password: secret
    - host-1
    - host-2
  heartbeatIntervalInSeconds: 10
  reconnectTimeInSeconds: 5

All values can also be set as environment variables, like AMQP_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL_IN_SECONDS and AMQP_RECONNECT_TIME_IN_SECONDS. See ./config/custom-environment-variables.yml for details.

User and password are required, uses "guest" otherwise. Hosts are permuted automatically.

For local usage, set NODE_ENV = testing or active: false in the config. A missing active configuration is equivalent to active: true.


async #.isReachable()

returns true if amqp is connected, throws an Error otherwise.

async #.workerQueue(queueName, exchange, bindings, handler)

async #.subscribe(queueNamePrefix, exchange, bindings, handler[, options])

async #.connectionManager

reference to the underlying amqp-connection-manager object. Only for legacy adaptors.



  • BREAKING: Removed amqp.getLegacyAMQP(). You must use new cluster now.


  • BREAKING: Support for new k8s RabbitMQ Clusters
  • For legacy cluster use amqp.getLegacyAMQP() to get the instance for the old cluster (Use config.amqp.disableNewCluster to disable new cluster when using legacy cluster)


  • adds flag to indicate if server is shutting down


  • make all config settable als env variables, for easy usage with Next.js projects


  • dependency update


  • make heartbeatIntervalInSeconds and reconnectTimeInSeconds settable, using config or env variables
  • write hostname and pid in connection_name field in RabbitMQ for better recognition of connections
  • set product and version in RabbitMQ connection metadata to ec.amqp values
  • update amqplib



  • added exchange type and durable options for plain channels and publish channels


  • dependency update


  • channel setup with recommended parallel promises
  • BREAKING: removed callback from #plainChannel(exchange)


  • respect active: false in config


  • BREAKING: default config is now for enderby environment


simple access to amqp / RabbitMQ via node.js






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