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turns crow into a 4-channel drum machine with teletype or druid

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This script turns monome crow into a 4-channel drum machine synth. Driven with monome teletype (TT) or druid (and hopefully norns soon).

drumcrow v1.0 tutorial

Click the image above for a tutorial. For more discussion, see the thread on lines.

drumcrow sounds compilation here
30 minute live coding improv here
originally adapted from License's Flash Crash performance here
postsolarpunk Flash Crash performance here
playing around here
livecoding with druid, RAVE, and Hyrda here


Turns crow into a 4 oscillator drum machine / synth
4 outputs (voices)
7 oscillator models
3 modulation sources: note env, lfo, amp env with cycle time, attack/decay, curvature, looping per voice
1 trigger/harmonic sequencer per voice
frequency, note, amplitude, pulse width, bitcrush, cycle rate, modulatable
teletype, druid, and (soon) norns control

For a bird's eye view, see drumcrow parameter matrix below.


(teletype recommended, not required)


Connect crow to teletype using i2c connection.
Navigate to the folder with drumcrow.lua in it and open druid.
Run or Upload this script to crow using druid: u drumcrow.lua wait 10 seconds.
If you run into the error not enough memory User script evaluation failed. try using ^^clear to delete the uploaded script in crow, turn off power to your crow, turn on power to your crow, then try u drumcrow.lua again.

> u drumcrow.lua
uploading drumcrow.lua
User script updated.
Running: drumcrow
setup complete!

Patch a constant voltage with a range 0 - 10V into crow input 1.
You could use teletype for this, in the M script type CV 4 PARAM to set CV 4 to the parameter knob. Patch CV 4 to crow's input 1.
If you do not have teletype and/or way to send 0 - 10V to crow input 1, then you can use druid to operate drumcrow.
Finally, patch each crow output to a mixer to hear the audio.


The panharmonicorvus is a widely distributed genus of small-sized panharmonicons in the family orchestrion. It includes species commonly known as panharmonicrows, crrrazow and sharrow. The species commonly encountered in Chembayou are the drumcrow named chiefly on the basis of their distinctive percussive sounding calls. The 45 or so members of this genus occur on all temperate continents. The collective name for a group of drumcrows is a "chorus". Recent research has found some drumcrow species capable of not only tool use but also tool construction. Drumcrows are now considered to be among the world's most sonically efficient animals with a Kolmogorov complexity equal to that of bytebeat cyberbees.

Example Kick and Snare Pattern

Follow along with this video tutorial here

// Let's make Ch1 a kick drum, Ch2 a snare, Ch3 a simple melody
// Connect CV 4 to crow input 1, use PARAM knob to set values on crow (0 - 10V input)

CROW.C3 1 V -1 V 7	// trigger channel 1 (1), set note (V -1), set amplitude (V 7)

CROW.C3 2 V 4 V 6	// trigger channel 2 (2), set note (V 4), set amplitude (V 6)

LIVE INPUT:	// select params on crow, adjust PARAM knob to set values on crow
M 172		
CROW.C1 1211	// set synth (1) shape sine (2) model var_saw (1) channel 1 (1)
CROW.C1 211	// note env (2) note mod depth (1) channel 1 (1), turn knob up
CROW.C1 261	// note env (2) cycle time (6) channel 1 (1), turn knob down

CROW.C1 1132	// set synth (1) shape linear (1) model noise (3) channel 2 (2)
CROW.C1 142	// oscillator (1) pw2 (4) channel 2 (2) turn knob, bring the noise!
CROW.C1 462	// amp env (4) cycle time (6) channel 2 (2) turn knob, shorten the noise!
CROW.C1 212	// pitch env (2) note mod depth (1) channel 2 (2) turn knob, pitch the noise!
CROW.C1 312	// lfo (3) note mod depth (1) channel 2 (2) turn knob, mod the noise!
CROW.C1 362	// lfo (3) cycle time (6) channel 2 (2) turn knob, lfo the noise!

CROW.C1 503	// trig seq (5) turn on (0) channel 3 (3)
CROW.C1 463	// amp env (4) decay time (6) channel 2 (2) turn knob, adjust decay time
CROW.C1 563	// trig seq (5) step 1 (6) channel 3 (3) turn knob, select harmonic
CROW.C1 573	// trig seq (5) step 2 (7) channel 3 (3) turn knob, select harmonic
CROW.C1 583	// trig seq (5) step 3 (8) channel 3 (3) turn knob, select harmonic

CROW.C1 460	// amp env (4) cycle time (6) all channels (0) turn knob, adjust all decay times

Explore from here, add ch4, adjust parameters, modulate sounds, sequence drum patterns, explore synth models

alt text


Teletype Operation

CROW.C1 X Select a parameter. The voltage at crow input 1 sets the parameter value (0 - 10V)
CROW.C2 X Y Set parameter X to value Y (uses TT range V -10 to V 10 to cover the same range as 0 - 10V input)
CROW.C3 X Y Z Triggers envelopes on channel X with note Y and amplitude Z

Examples: navigate using digits (module, param, channel)
CROW.C1 234 select module 2 param 3 on channel 4, input voltage sets the value
CROW.C1 1234 put a 1 in front to set synth (shape, model, channel)
CROW.C2 261 V 4 sets 26 on channel 1 to V 4
CROW.C3 1 V 0 V 5 select channel 1, set note to V 0, set volume to V 5, trigger envelopes

channel = 0 select all channels
channel = 1-4 select a channel
(5, 6, 7, 8, 9 wraps to 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 respectively)

Parameters such as freq, note, amplitude, pulse width, and pw2 act a bit differently depending on the oscillator model used. The modulation sources are mostly the same with small differences. The CROW.C3 command sets note (11X) and amplitude (12X) of the oscillator, then triggers the envelopes. The amp env (4) is for amplitude control. The note env (2) is for pitch modulation. However, all 3 mod sources can affect amplitude or pitch of the oscillator if desired. All 3 mod sources can be set to cycle infinitely, but only amp env (4) and note env (2) will be retriggered if CROW.C3 is called. The lfo (3) is not retriggered when CROW.C3 is called.

Druid Operation

Druid can use the same functions teletype uses.
ii.self.call1( param ) is CROW.C1 param
ii.self.call2( param, value ) is CROW.C2 param value
ii.self.call3( channel, note, volume ) is CROW.C3 channel note volume

Use ii.self.call1(50X) to turn on/off crow trig sequencers where X is channel (0-4). If you can, patch a constant voltage 0 to 10V to crow input 1, and use ii.self.call1 to select parameters and set values with the input voltage. If you can not send an input voltage, then use ii.self.call2 to select parameters and set their values directly from druid. Params such as 50X, 81X, 86X, that do not require a value can be called with ii.self.call2, it just ignores the sent value.

When using call2 or call3, these commands are tuned to the teletype range of V -10 to V 10 which translates to the range: -16384 to 16384. 0V at crow input 1 is -16384, 10V at crow input 1 is 16384, and 5V at crow input 1 is 0. An easy way to work with this is to use multiples of 1000 from -16000 to 16000 for quick value settings. However, if you set note this way, you'll be out of tune from other synths (from 440Hz). Note value V 0 = 0 is tuned to C2. The exact teletype V to druid Integer values are listed below.

Translated Example Kick and Snare Pattern from above using druid:

ii.self.call1(501)		// turns on crow trig sequencer 1, could use call2 also
ii.self.call3(0, -1000, 10000)	// trigger all channels (0), set all notes (-1000), set all volumes (10000)
ii.self.call2(1211, 1)		// set synth (1) shape sine (2) model var_saw (1) channel 1 (1), ignores second value (1)
ii.self.call2(211, 2000) 	// note env (2) note mod depth (1) channel 1 (1), set value (2000), ~5V
ii.self.call2(261, -3000)	// note env (2) cycle time (6) channel 1 (1), send value (-3000), ~4V

ii.self.call2(1132, 1)		// set synth (1) shape linear (1) model noise (3) channel 2 (2), ignores second value (1)
ii.self.call2(112, 5000)	// oscillator (1) note (1) channel 2 (2), set value (5000), ~6V
ii.self.call2(142, 11000)	// oscillator (1) pw2 (4) channel 2 (2), set value (11000), ~8V
ii.self.call2(462, -3000)	// amp env (4) cycle time (6) channel 2 (2), set value (-3000), ~4V
ii.self.call2(212, 8000)	// pitch env (2) note mod depth (1) channel 2 (2), set value (8000), ~7V

teletype V = druid integer
V 10 = 16384
V 9 = 14746
V 8 = 13107
V 7 = 11469
V 6 = 9830
V 5 = 8192
V 4 = 6554
V 3 = 4915
V 2 = 3277
V 1 = 1638
V 0 = 0
V -1 = -1638, etc...


Selects a parameter. Control voltage at crow input 1 sets the parameter value (0 - 10V). These are the available sliders / knobs / buttons.

TT Command DIGIT 3 DIGIT 2 DIGIT 1 Description
0 ~ ~ ~ deselect a parameter, maps input voltage to nothing
unused numbers deselect a parameter
setting trig seq tempo 81X sets tempo then deselects
10X 1 osc 0 freq 0-4 channel maximum allowed frequency of a channel
default to 1x of global max (7000 Hz)
0 <= V <= 10 :: 0.001x ... 1x
11X 1 osc 1 note 0-4 channel oscillator note of a channel
minimum set to 1Hz but can be set lower for LFOs
0 <= V <= 10 :: 1Hz ... 20kHz
12X 1 osc 2 amplitude 0-4 channel oscillator amplitude of a channel
can be overdriven using modulation sources
0 < V <= 5 :: -5V ... 0V
5 <= V <= 10 :: 0V ... 5V
13X 1 osc 3 pulse width 0-4 channel pulse width of a channel
changes depending on the model
0 <= V <= 10 :: -1 ... 1
14X 1 osc 4 pw2 0-4 channel optional extra parameter
changes depending on the model
0 <= V <= 10 :: -10 ... 10
15X 1 osc 5 bitcrush amount 0-4 channel quantizer v/oct for a channel, bitcrush distortion
0 <= V <= 5 :: OFF
5 < V <= 10 :: temperament at 2 and V/Oct from 1 to 20
16X 1 osc 6 caw to cyc3 0-4 channel scales amount CAW sequencer modulates mod 3 cycle time (36X)
0 <= V <= 5 :: OFF
5 < V <= 10 :: 0x ... 2x
17X 1 osc 7 caw to cyc4 0-4 channel scales amount CAW sequencer modulates mod 4 cycle time (46X)
0 <= V <= 5 :: OFF
5 < V <= 10 :: 0x ... 2x
18X 1 osc 8 caw to note 0-4 channel if CAW sequences note
0 <= V <= 5 :: OFF
5 < V <= 10 :: ON
19X 1 osc 9 splash 0-4 channel amount of noise applied to note
0 <= V <= 5 :: OFF
5 < V <= 10 :: 0 ... 5
20X 2 note env 0 mod depth freq 0-4 channel env mod depth of maximum frequency
default to 0x
0 <= V <= 10 :: 0x ... 1x
21X 2 note env 1 mod depth note 0-4 channel env mod depth of pitch
0 <= V <= 10 :: -10 ... 0 ... +10
22X 2 note env 2 mod depth amp 0-4 channel env mod depth of amplitude
0 <= V <= 10 :: -3.3 ... 0 ... +3.3
23X 2 note env 3 mod depth pw 0-4 channel env mod depth of pulse width
0 <= V <= 10 :: -2 ... 0 ... +2
24X 2 note env 4 mod depth pw2 0-4 channel env mod depth of pw2 (misc)
0 <= V <= 10 :: -10 ... 0 ... +10
25X 2 note env 5 mod depth bit 0-4 channel env mod depth of bitcrush amount
0 <= V <= 10 :: -10 ... 0 ... +10
26X 2 note env 6 cycle time 0-4 channel env cycle time
0 <= V <= 9.75 :: 0.006 sec - 100 sec
9.75 < V <= 10 :: 232 seconds
billions and billions
27X 2 note env 7 attack / decay 0-4 channel env attack / decay ratio
V = 0.0 :: attack 0% decay 100% quieter
V = 2.5 :: attack 0% decay 100%
V = 5.0 :: attack 50% decay 50%
V = 7.5 :: attack 100% decay 0%
V = 10 :: attack 100% decay 0% quieter infinite release
28X 2 note env 8 curvature 0-4 channel env curvature
0 <= V <= 10 :: 2-5 ... 0 ... 25
square ... linear ... logarithmic
29X 2 note env 9 looping 0-4 channel 0 <= V <= 5 :: env looping OFF (default)
5 < V < 10 :: env looping ON
30X 3 lfo 0 mod depth freq 0-4 channel lfo mod depth of maximum frequency
default to 0x
0 <= V <= 10 :: 0x ... 1x
31X 3 lfo 1 mod depth note 0-4 channel lfo mod depth of frequency
0 <= V <= 10 :: -10 ... 0 ... +10
32X 3 lfo 2 mod depth amp 0-4 channel lfo mod depth of amplitude
0 <= V <= 10 :: -3.3 ... 0 ... +3.3
33X 3 lfo 3 mod depth pw 0-4 channel lfo mod depth of pulse width
0 <= V <= 10 :: -2 ... 0 ... +2
34X 3 lfo 4 mod depth pw2 0-4 channel lfo mod depth of pw2 (misc)
0 <= V <= 10 :: -10 ... 0 ... +10
35X 3 lfo 5 mod depth bit 0-4 channel lfo mod depth of bitcrush amount
0 <= V <= 10 :: -10 ... 0 ... +10
36X 3 lfo 6 cycle time 0-4 channel lfo cycle time
0.25 <= V <= 10 :: 1 Hz - 1024 Hz :: 724 sec - 0.001 sec
0 <= V <= 0.25 :: 232 seconds
37X 3 lfo 7 attack / decay 0-4 channel lfo attack / decay ratio
V = 0.0 :: attack 0% decay 100% quieter
V = 2.5 :: attack 0% decay 100%
V = 5.0 :: attack 50% decay 50%
V = 7.5 :: attack 100% decay 0%
V = 10 :: attack 100% decay 0% quieter infinite release
38X 3 lfo 8 curvature 0-4 channel lfo curvature
0 <= V <= 10 :: 2-5 ... 0 ... 25
square ... linear ... logarithmic
39X 3 lfo 9 looping 0-4 channel lfo does not reset phase when voice is triggered
0 <= V <= 5 :: lfo looping OFF
5 < V <= 10 :: lfo looping ON (default)
40X 4 amp env 0 mod depth freq 0-4 channel env mod depth of maximum frequency
default to 0x
0 <= V <= 10 :: 0x ... 1x
41X 4 amp env 1 mod depth note 0-4 channel env mod depth of frequency
0 <= V <= 10 :: -10 ... 0 ... +10
42X 4 amp env 2 mod depth amp 0-4 channel env mod depth of amplitude
0 <= V <= 10 :: -3.3 ... 0 ... +3.3
43X 4 amp env 3 mod depth pw 0-4 channel env mod depth of pulse width
0 <= V <= 10 :: -2 ... 0 ... +2
44X 4 amp env 4 mod depth pw2 0-4 channel env mod depth of pw2 (misc)
0 <= V <= 10 :: -10 ... 0 ... +10
45X 4 amp env 5 mod depth bit 0-4 channel env mod depth of bitcrush amount
0 <= V <= 10 :: -10 ... 0 ... +10
46X 4 amp env 6 cycle time 0-4 channel env cycle time
0 <= V <= 9.75 :: 0.006 sec - 100 sec
9.75 < V <= 10 :: 232 seconds
47X 4 amp env 7 attack / decay 0-4 channel envelope attack / decay ratio
V = 0.0 :: attack 0% decay 100% quieter
V = 2.5 :: attack 0% decay 100%
V = 5.0 :: attack 50% decay 50%
V = 7.5 :: attack 100% decay 0%
V = 10 :: attack 100% decay 0% quieter infinite release
48X 4 amp env 8 curvature 0-4 channel env curvature
0 <= V <= 10 :: 2-5 ... 0 ... 25
square ... linear ... logarithmic
49X 4 amp env 9 looping 0-4 channel 0 <= V <= 5 :: env looping OFF (default)
5 < V < 10 :: env looping ON
50X 5 trig seq 0 ON/OFF 0-4 channel turn ON/OFF trig sequencer for channel
51X 5 trig seq 1 length A 0-4 channel length of time to wait after a trigger in A
0 <= V <= 10 :: 1/10, ..., 1/2, 1/1, 0, 1, 2, ..., 10 beats
52X 5 trig seq 2 repeats A 0-4 channel number of times to "trigger then wait length A" before moving to B
0 <= V <= 10 :: 10, ..., 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, ..., 10 repeats
53X 5 trig seq 3 length B 0-4 channel length of time to wait after a trigger in B
0 <= V <= 10 :: 1/10, ..., 1/2, 1/1, 0, 1, 2, ..., 10 beats
54X 5 trig seq 4 repeats B 0-4 channel number of times to "trigger then wait length B" before moving to A
0 <= V <= 10 :: 10, ..., 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, ..., 10 repeats
55X 5 trig seq 5 flaps 0-4 channel direction of steps to advance CAW sequence
0 <= V <= 10 :: 1 (forwards), 2 (two steps forward), 3 (backwards), 4 (no step)
56X 5 trig seq 5 CAW1 0-4 channel harmonic for step 1
0 <= V <= 10 :: 1/10, ..., 1/2, 1/1, 0, 1, 2, ..., 10
57X 5 trig seq 5 CAW2 0-4 channel harmonic for step 2
0 <= V <= 10 :: 1/10, ..., 1/2, 1/1, 0, 1, 2, ..., 10
58X 5 trig seq 5 CAW3 0-4 channel harmonic for step 3
0 <= V <= 10 :: 1/10, ..., 1/2, 1/1, 0, 1, 2, ..., 10
59X 5 trig seq 5 CAW4 0-4 channel harmonic for step 4
0 <= V <= 10 :: 1/10, ..., 1/2, 1/1, 0, 1, 2, ..., 10
81X 8 1 any number set global tempo of all sequencers then deselects
0 <= V <= 10 :: 10 BPM ... 2010 BPM
82X 8 2 any number global update time of all voices
0 <= V <= 10 :: 0.006 sec ... 0.1 sec
defualt 0.006 sec
shorter times may overload CPU
longer times result in stair-step modulation
83X 8 2 any number global maximum frequency of all voices
0 <= V <= 10 :: 0.01 Hz ... 20000 Hz
defualt 7000 Hz
higher frequencies than default may overload CPU
85X 8 2 0-4 channel reset position of trigger sequencer
keeps length and repeat values the same
86X 8 6 0-4 channel set a channel to its initial value 86 Term
1XYZ 1 set synth 1-9 shape
1-7 model
0-4 channel Set shape and model
default :: shape = 1 linear, model = 1 var_saw


TT Command Parameter Value Description
CROW.C2 X Y 3-digit parameter X
CROW.C1 see above
V -10 ... V 10
TT value
=input voltage 0-10V
=druid -16384 to 16384
set parameter value directly
CROW.C1 takes higher priority than CROW.C2

Many parameters can be set to zero by using V 0. The 0 to 10V input control voltage range is the same range as teletype V -10 to V 10 is the same as from druid -16384 to 16384. Any CROW.C1 command can be replaced by CROW.C2. Use the teletype OP VV to set a parameter to a decimal value. Some parameters, like pulse width, are sensitive to decimal changes. If CROW.C1 is selecting the same parameter CROW.C2 is trying to set, CROW.C1 takes higher priority than CROW.C2. (Technically speaking, CROW.C2 will set the parameter, but it will then be immediately overwritten by the C1 value in the next update loop, CAW).


Try doing everything with C2 instead of C1 and the PARAM knob
Try deselecting a parameter before setting it using C2: CROW.C1 0
Try setting things to zero! This sets lfo note mod depth to zero on channel 1: CROW.C2 311 V 0
Try setting amp env decay time to a random value from teletype: CROW.C2 462 RRAND V -5 V 5
Try exploring decimal pw2 values with the ASLsine and noise models: CROW.C2 141 VV 10
Try sequencing Ch1 note with teletype patterns: CROW.C2 111 PN.NEXT 0
....while triggering the channel with another pattern: CROW.C3 1 N PN.NEXT 1 V 5
........while drumcrow sequencer is ON CROW.C1 501
............while randomly updating drumcrow sequencer values CROW.C2 + 510 RAND 3 RRAND V 4 V 7
................while every 5 we set decay envelope to PARAM for fun EV 5: CROW.C2 461 PARAM
....................(I haven't actually tested this, CAW)


TT Command X Y Z Description
CROW.C3 X Y Z 0-4 channel V -10 ... V 10
TT Value
V -10 ... V 10
TT Value
channel, note, amplitude, triggers envelopes
only triggers if passed attack stage
note usually V -3 ... V 7
amplitude usually V 0 ... V 10

CROW.C3 X Y Z = (channel) (note) (amplitude)
Select channel. Set note. Set amplitude. Triggers envelopes. Sequence notes and volumes from teletype using patterns, random values, and so on. Some synth models change tone depending on note. Mix oscillators using volume parameter, set to 0 to mute. Set all amp modulation 2 type parameters to zero as well if volume is still heard while trying to mute. Try using channel 0 to quickly set the note and volume of all channels. It uses the same teletype range of V -10 to V 10 as CROW.C2 for note and volume. Trigger chords by using multiple CROW.C3 commands in a single teletype script each selecting different notes and channels. CROW.C3 note value V 0 from teletype translates to the musical note C2. CROW.C3 is compatible with N and VV voltage commands from teletype.


CROW.C1 1XYZ Sets synth (1) shape (X) model (Y) channel (Z). There are 9 shapes and currently 7 synth models. You can set all channels by using channel = 0. Explore different combinations of shapes and synth models. Each model behaves differently depending on how the parameters are set. Some work better at higher note values, so if it doesn't sound quite right, try a higher note. Set the note using a CROW.C3 command or turn up the note (11) yourself. The freq parameter (10X) sets the maximum allowable ASL frequency for a channel X. The bit parameter (15X) applies quantization to the amplitude of the ASL output voltage. Refer to the ASL Oscillator document in the forum post for further model design discussion.

  1. var_saw(amp, cyc, pw, shape) (Default)
    Go up to a +voltage, down to a -voltage. Triangle model with pulse width control. Use shape to select 1 triangle, 2 sine, 5 square, or select any shape 1-9 to hear different tones.
loop { to(  dyn{amp=2}, dyn{cyc=1/440} * dyn{pw=1/2}, shape), to(0-dyn{amp=2}, dyn{cyc=1/440} * (1-dyn{pw=1/2}), shape) } 
  1. bytebeat(amp, cyc, pw, shape)
    Output voltage is stepped by PW each loop and wrapped between -10 ... 10. Crow hardware limit is -5 to +10V. Cyc determines our "sample rate" and PW determines the "step rate". Both affect the output frequency.
-- = pw * pw2
loop { to(dyn{x=1}:step(dyn{pw=1}):wrap(-10,10) * dyn{amp=2}, dyn{cyc=1}, shape) }
  1. noise(amp, cyc, pw, pw2, shape)
    Noise is an LCG used to create noise using the equation x(n+1) = ((x * pw2) + pw) % 10. Set PW2 to a value to get some noise. PW2 is sensitive to decimal values as well, explore sweet spots. Higher pitches for higher frequency noise. Use short amplitude envelope cycle times for high hats and snares.
-- = pw, dyn.pw2 = pw2
loop { to(dyn{x=1}:mul(dyn{pw2=1}):step(dyn{pw=1}):wrap(-5,5) * dyn{amp=2}, dyn{cyc=1}/2, shape) } 
  1. FMstep(amp, cyc, pw, pw2, shape)
    This expands the var_saw model to multiply cyc by a dynamic variable x that sweeps between 1 and 2 at a speed set by pw2. Low pw2 values means the frequency modulates slowly, higher pw2 value results in a more FM type sound.
-- = pw, dyn.pw2 = pw2 / 50
loop {to(  dyn{amp=2}, dyn{x=1}:step(dyn{pw2=1}):wrap(1,2) * dyn{cyc=1} * dyn{pw=1}, shape),
			to(0-dyn{amp=2}, dyn{x=1} * dyn{cyc=1} * (1-dyn{pw=1}), shape) }
  1. ASLsine(amp, cyc, pw, shape)
    This is a root-product sine wave approximation y = x + 0.101321(x)^3. The var_saw model can select two voltage points to move between, but ASL can't step through a waveform unless we make 100 ASL stages and step through them manually. Instead, we can loop one ASL stage, step x by PW and, wrap it between -pi and +pi, and now it roughly traces out a sine wave. The X variable is stepped each time its referenced. Time it takes to step a voltage is determined by cyc.
-- = pw * pw2
loop { to((dyn{x=0}:step(dyn{pw=0.314}):wrap(-3.14,3.14) + 0.101321 * dyn{x=0} * dyn{x=0} * dyn{x=0}) * dyn{amp=2}, dyn{cyc=1}, shape) }
  1. ASLharmonic(amp, cyc, pw, shape)
    Same as ASLsine but we add a mul(-1) to x so each time x is called the polarity flips. Slightly more chaotic with PW2.
-- = pw * pw2
loop { to((dyn{x=0}:step(dyn{pw=1}):mul(-1):wrap(-3.14,3.14) + 0.101321 * dyn{x=0} * dyn{x=0} * dyn{x=0}) * dyn{amp=2}, dyn{cyc=1}, shape) }
  1. bytebeat5(amp, cyc, pw, pw2)
    Another bytebeat model. pw sets the step rate. pw2 sets the modulo range. note and freq determine cyc which is the "sample rate" of the bytebeat shape.
loop{to(dyn{x=0}:step(dyn{pw=0.1}):wrap(0, 10) % dyn{pw2=1} * dyn{amp=2}, dyn{cyc=1}, shape)}


Select the shape of the synth model listed in monome crow documentation.
Easing functions define how to walk point to point.
Shapes can be used to change the tone of the ASL oscillator.
1 = linear, 2 = sine, 3 = logarithmic, 4 = exponential, 5 = now, 6 = wait, 7 = over, 8 = under, 9 = rebound

Trigger Sequencer

drumcrow can be triggered externally if the trigger sequencer is on or off. CROW.C1 50X turns on / turns off the trigger sequencer for a channel. CROW.C1 81X can be used to set the tempo on crow for all channels 10 BPM to 2010 BPM (X is any number). This will read the input voltage, set the tempo, then immediately deselect the input. You can not sweep the input voltage to sweep the tempo, you have to send this command to set the tempo value. When a trigger sequencer is turned on, it will trigger the channel immediately with the current setting of note (11X) and amplitude (12X). CROW.C3 X Y Z can quickly set the note and amplitude if desired.

Trigger sequencers start in stage A. At each stage, a trigger will occur then the clock will wait a certain amount of time. After the time is up, it will trigger again, then wait that length of time. 51X sets how long of a time to wait and 52X sets how many times to repeat this action before moving on to stage B. Stage B is exactly the same as stage A. 53X sets how long of a time to wait and 54X sets how many times to repeat this action before moving on to stage A.

1 : A___A___A___B_B_A___A___A___B_B_A___A___A___B_B_A___A___A___B_B_  
2 : A__A__A__B_____A__A__A__B_____A__A__A__B_____A__A__A__B_____A__A  
4 : A___B___A___B___A___B___A___B___A___B___A___B___A___B___A___B___  

-Different trigger sequencer per channel. Each A or B represents a trigger.

The length of time between triggers is synced to clock divisions/multiplications of the main tempo set with 81X. All channels are synced to the same main tempo. Varying rhythms can be created between channels with a small changes to length and repeats. Setting a length to 0 <= V <= 5 will result in a shorter beats whereas 5 < V <= 10 results in much widers spacing between triggers. For ratchet effects, set length to a smaller value and set the number of repeats very high. For a constant rhythm, set length of A using 51X then immediately change to 53X without adjusting the input voltage, both will be set to the same clock division. For phasing drum patterns, try setting the main tempo to a high value, the length and repeats of A to a high value, and the number of repeats of B to 1. A small value for length of B could then be used to slightly offset one channel from another. Notice how in the visual example above, sequence 2 phases slowly to the left when compared to sequence 1.

LenA 1 RepA 1 LenB 2   RepB 1 : A_B__A_B__A_B__A_B__
LenA 2 RepA 1 LenB 2   RepB 1 : A__B__A__B__A__B__A__B__
LenA 2 RepA 1 LenB 2   RepB 2 : A__B__B__A__B__B__A__B__B__A__B__B__
LenA 2 RepA 1 LenB 1   RepB 2 : A__B_B_A__B_B_A__B_B_A__B_B_
LenA 3 RepA 1 LenB 1   RepB 2 : A___B_B_A___B_B_A___B_B_A___B_B_
LenA 3 RepA 1 LenB 1/2 RepB 2 : A___BBA___BBA___BBA___BB
LenA 3 RepA 1 LenB 1/2 RepB 5 : A___BBBBBA___BBBBBA___BBBBBA___BBBBB

-4 cycles of various trigger patterns. Each A or B represents a trigger.

Harmonic CAW Sequencer

Parameters 56X, 57X, 58X, 59X set the frequency multiplier for each step 1, 2, 3, 4. Default values for each step is {1, 1, 1, 1} but each step can be set to 1/10, 1/9, ... 1/2, 1/1, 1, 1, 2, ... 9, 10. For example, if channel 1 note is set to 400Hz and the multiplier is set to 3 then you will hear 1200Hz. This is the 3rd harmonic of the fundamental frequency 400Hz. Harmonic sequencers sequence ratios instead of absolute values. Harmonics are integer values, subharmonics are fractional multipliers. Each trigger we step forward to the next ratio depending on the direction of flaps 55X. Sequencing the note value is ON by default, but it can be turned off using 18X. The sequencer can be mapped to lfo cycle time 36X using the parameter 16X which sets the mod depth (0x ... 2x) of the sequencer value. The sequencer can be mapped to amp env cycle time 46X using the parameter 17X which sets the mod depth (0x ... 2x) of the sequencer value.

flaps 55X sets what direction we step for each trigger
If our CAW sequence is {1, 3, 1/2, 4} and we are at 1/2:
flaps = 1, forwards, next step is 4
flaps = 2, two steps forward, next step is 1
flaps = 3, backwards, next step is 3
flaps = 4, no change, next step is 1/2


Try using trig seq simultaneously with external TT sequencing using CROW.C3.
Try sequencing trig seq parameters directly: CROW.C2 560 RRAND V -5 V 5
Try setting all channels to the same note and volume using CROW.C3, and then sequence each channel differently.
Try sequencing amp env cycle time 17X for open / closed high hat sounds.
Try turning on and off trigger sequencers to step patterns irregularly: IF TOSS: CROW.C2 502
Try using flaps to change all channels' directions simultaneously: CROW.C1 550
Try making noise by cranking tempo up to 2000 BPM and using subharmonic divisions and trigger length divisions.
Try sequencing the lfo cycle rate with 16X, make wubs with lfo frequency mod depth 31X and PW mod depth 34X.

Future Development

  • port to norns, currently prototyping nb_drumcrow
  • possibly zxcvbn?


turns crow into a 4-channel drum machine with teletype or druid






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