Table of Contents
pip install eodash_catalog
Project uses pytest and runs it as part of CI:
python -m pytest
Project uses ruff to perform checks on code style and formatting
ruff check .
eodash_catalog adheres to Semantic Versioning and follows these rules:
Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH
, we increment the:
version when we make incompatible API changesMINOR
version when we add functionality in a backward compatible mannerPATCH
version when we make backward compatible bug fixes
Active development is followed by the main
New features or maintenance commits should be done against this branch in the form of a Merge Request of a Feature branch.
This repository uses bump2version for managing tags. To bump a version use
bump2version <major|minor|patch> # or bump2version --new-version <new_version>
git push && git push --tags
Pushing a tag in the repository automatically creates:
- versioned package on pypi
is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.