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React Native Module for Urban Airship

This plugin provides client-side integration for the Urban Airship Engage Platform in iOS and Android app environment.

Sample app using this module

Supported React Native platforms

  • Android (4.1+)
  • iOS (8+)
  • React Native (0.27)



  • Android Studio 2.0 or higher
  • Node 4.4
  • React Native Commnad Line Tools
  • [Recommended] Watchman
  • [Recommended] Flow


  • Xcode 8.0 or higher
  • Node 4.4
  • React Native Command Line Tools
  • Certificate from a Certificate Authority (CA)
  • iOS App Development Certificate
  • [Recommended] Watchman
  • [Recommended] Flow

Urban Airship

Getting Started

In your React Native project, install the following module:

npm install react-native-ua --save

Android setup

  1. Include the following module to your android/settings.gradle in your React Native project:
include ':react-native-ua'
project(':react-native-ua').projectDir = file('../node_modules/react-native-ua/android')
  1. Include the react-native-ua module in your app compile dependencies, inside the android/app/build.gradle file:
// ...

dependencies {
    // ...

    compile project(':react-native-ua') // add react-native-ua module
  1. Create the android/app/src/main/assets/ file and update it with your Urban Airship App's data:
gcmSender = Your GCM sender ID (Your Google API project number)

developmentAppKey = Your Development App Key
developmentAppSecret = Your Development App Secret

# If inProduction is true set production key and secret
inProduction = false

productionAppKey = Your Production App Key
productionAppSecret = Your Production Secret
  1. Inside, located at android/app/src/main/java/your/app/domain, add the ReactNativeUAPackage to your app package list:
// ...

import; // import react-native-ua package

public class MainApplication extends Application implements ReactApplication {
    // ...

    protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
        return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
            // ...
            new ReactNativeUAPackage() // set react-native-ua package using application

Xcode setup

  1. Open your iOS React Native project.
  2. Select the project node, in Targets section:
  • Inside Capabilities tab, turn Push Notification on
  • Then turn Background Modes on.
  • Inside Background Modes, enable Remote Notifications.
  1. Find the ReactNativeUAIOS.xcodeproj file within node_modules/react-native-ua/ios and drag it into the Libraries node in Xcode.

  2. Add AirshipConfig.plist from folder ios/ in the project node

  3. Edit the file and add your App Key, App Secret and App Master Secret, the same used within Urban Airship setup (⚙ > APIs & Integrations > Urban Airship API).

  4. Back to the project node, select the Targets section:

  • In the Build Settings tab, go to Linking > Other Linker Flags and include the following tags:

  • Then go to Search Paths > Header Search Paths, add the following path and select the recursive option:

  1. In the Build Phases tab:
  • Open the Link Binary With Libraries section, click on the plus sign (➕) and select libReactNativeUAIOS.a from Workspace.

  • Now expand the Copy Bundle Resources, click on the plus sign (➕) and add the following file:

  1. Inside AppDelegate.m, import ReactNativeUAIOS.h and call the module with [ReactNativeUAIOS setupUrbanAirship:launchOptions]. Follow the example below:
#import "ReactNativeUAIOS.h"

// ...

@implementation AppDelegate

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
  // setup react native urban airship
  [ReactNativeUAIOS setupUrbanAirship:launchOptions];

  // ...

// ...

  1. To enable location add this two string keys with their values inside Info.plist:
  • NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription: Urban Airship location service
  • NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription: Urban Airship location service when app is in use



import React, { Component } from 'react';

import {
} from 'react-native';

import ReactNativeUA from 'react-native-ua'; // import module

class SampleApp extends Component {

    constructor(props) {

      ReactNativeUA.enable_notification(); // prompt user to enable notification

      ReactNativeUA.enable_geolocation(); // prompt user to enable geolocation

      ReactNativeUA.enable_action_url(); // enable url action

      ReactNativeUA.handle_background_notification(); // handle notifications when app is in background

      ReactNativeUA.add_tag('tag'); // set tag to the user

      ReactNativeUA.set_named_user_id('user_id'); // set named user id

    componentWillMount() {
        // add handler to handle all incoming notifications
        ReactNativeUA.on_notification((notification) => {
                        notification.url, // if action url is disabled


    render () {
        return (

AppRegistry.registerComponent('SampleApp', () => SampleApp);


React Native module for Urban Airship







No packages published


  • Objective-C 94.1%
  • Java 3.7%
  • C 1.4%
  • Other 0.8%