Docker Image of the QuickUMLS tools (
tested With UMLS2018AA data
Maintainer : Alice ROGIER
located on the data/demo folder: are the result of the pubmed request from 2000 to 2019
("EHR" or "biomedical NLP" or "clinical NLP" or "clinical natural language processing" or "natural language processing" OR "NLP" OR "natural language processing") AND ("system" or "framework" or "tool" or "workflow" or "pipeline" or "architecture") and ("text mining" or "platform")
each result is put on a separated file
To build both the client and the server image run
make build
make createNetwork
make startServer
NB: if you want to change the server port modify it in bin/ Furthermore we create a docker network to ease the communication with the docker client.
make liveDemo
NB: It will take as input data in folder data
An example of client, server interaction is located on src/
#in the container run
python3 /home/quickumls/src/ --serverName quickumlsserver --inputFile /home/quickumls/tmp/demo/input_1.txt
The user need to install nexflow as required
make generate
make runnf
nextflow run nfscript/ -c config/nextflow.config
results will be output on the result folder
If the user wants to custom the script :
nfscript/ # for the nextflow script
config/nextflow.config #nexflow config
src/ # quickumls client