ALPHA CAMP Season 3 Frontend Assignment 1 rewritten in Vue.js
reminder: Modal is imeplemented by view height attritube, so the modal shadow won't cover the whole webpage but the whole browser window.
- It supports desktop and mobile layout (display currently switchs on 749.9px)
- It supports theme switch (currently only light and dark theme available)
- Product item amount selection
- Total price calculation and display
- Show summary data on modal and console after confirmation
- Keep user input when page refreshed
npm install
npm run serve
npm run build
npm run lint
/src - root directory of source code
/src/router - router setting
/src/views - view files
/src/components - view component files
/src/utils - share functions
/src/styles - SCSS style
/src/assets - root directory of static files
/src/assets/icons - SVG icons
/src/assets/images - pictures
/public - static resource