ERAjs is a JavaScript Application Library which main target is to act like native application toolkit and is build the ground up with multi-touch devices ergonomy in mind.
ERAjs keyfeatures are :
- JavaScript exclusivity : ERAjs does not relly on a HTML structure neither on CSS for styling. It's only pure JavaScript which induce a little performance overhead but decuplate possibilities !
- Advanced layout : Since it does not relly on HTML ERAjs offers advanced layout functionnality similar to a native toolkit (GTK+, Qt...). Such features are VBox, HBox, Grid, Flow etc.
- Responsive design : An ERAjs app automatically resize it self to fit the screen, an depending on the layout, elements can reorganize themself to avoid horizontal scrolling. And hence it's pure JS, you can easilly write specific behavior on resize.
- Widget based system : ERAjs allows you to manipulate highlevel widgets and style them as you like. Widget can be combine together to form more highlevel components.
- Same experience everywhere : ERAjs garanties that your application will look and behave the same regardless your browser or your device without any modification. Multitouch device (smart phones, tablets), keyboard only navigation (for accessibility), multitouch screens and of course classical desktop browsing.
ERAjs is not :
- Extremly fast : as it doesn't relly on HTML layout system, ERAjs is not as fast as other library, but on a decent browser (ie Firefox 4+, Chrome) it works flowlessly :).
- Tiny : minified, era.js size is less than 440Kb which is not the tiniest js library you've seen, but considered the fact that it can do everything you need for an application and that it doesn't depends on other libraries and that you don't have CSS, it's not so big. Compare that with a jQuery+jQueryUI+jQueryMobile+Whateverplugins+CSS solution and it'll feel very small !
- For static web page : HTML + CSS will always be better to build beautifull and fast static web page, even if you add a bit of JS, it's not ERAjs work. ERAjs is only good for building javascript only rich web apps.
- Similar to jQueryUi/SproutCore/TwitterBootstrap : it's philosophy is totally different and does not aim to "dynamise" static web page but build web app up to the ground. It can be compared to Sencha Touch/ExtJs but with a more straightforward API.
Download lastest sources here :
git clone
Then simply create an empty html file which link to era.js:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<script src='era.js'></script>
//Write your code here...
And you're good ! Add script directly to the page or in another file. No need to add CSS, no need to write more HTML, everything is done by ERAjs.
var app = new Ui.App();
app.setContent(new Ui.Label({ text: "You know what ? I'm happy." }));
Containers are at the heart of ERAjs, they allow you to build quite easily very complex widgets by just stack functionnality into one widgets.
As you may have guess, containers contains elements. They can contain other containers (ie a VBox in a HBox) or "final elements" (ie Buttons).
All of them (except Fixed) adapt themself to the screen size and try to fit elements until they've reach their minimum size.
We can devide containers in 3 types : layout containers, behaviour containers and high level containers.
Layout containers allow you to arrange your application layout dynamically.
It is the base container for your application. There can only be one instance of it and you can access this singleton via "Ui.App.current".
It manages onReady event, the windowOrientationChange, url arguments and proper iframe integration.
var app = new Ui.App();
var label = new Ui.Label({ text: 'Here are my arguments : ' + JSON.stringify(app.arguments) });
Probably the most used containers, they allow you to stack elements, either vertically or horizontally. VBox and HBox inherite from Box, they just differ in their orientation.
Let's play with boxes orientation :
var app = new Ui.App();
var box = new Ui.Box({
orientation: 'vertical',
horizontalAlign: 'center', verticalAlign: 'center'
box.append(new Ui.Label({ text: 'Up'}));
var button = new Ui.Button({ text: 'Change orientation' });
app.connect(button, 'press', function() {
var orientation = this.content.getOrientation() === 'vertical' ? 'horizontal' : 'vertical';
box.append(new Ui.Label({ text: 'Down'}));
As you can see a Box can change it's orientation dynamically. Damned practical when you have a mobile device with giroscope !
Boxes have some very interesting properties such as "uniform" :
var app = new Ui.App();
var hbox = new Ui.HBox({ horizontalAlign: 'center', verticalAlign: 'center' });
hbox.append(new Ui.Button({ text: 'Tiny text'}));
hbox.append(new Ui.Button({ text: 'Very loooooooooooonnnnng text'}));
var button = new Ui.Button({ text: 'Make them uniform !' });
app.connect(button, 'press', function() {
Elements in the box can have "attached properties" like "resizable :
var app = new Ui.App({
content: {
type: Ui.HBox,
verticalAlign: 'center', //Note that there is no more horizontalAlign
content: [
{type: Ui.Button, text: 'Tiny text'},
type: Ui.Button, text: 'Hey, I can take all the place ! ',
onPress: function(me){
Ui.Box.setResizable(me, !Ui.Box.getResizable(me));
{type: Ui.Button, text: 'Also tiny...'}
var app = new Ui.App();
var button = new Ui.Button({
text: 'Hit me !',
horizontalAlign: 'center', verticalAlign: 'center'
app.connect('press', button, function() {
alert('Hello World !');
You can generate the documentation using JSDoc :
$ export JSDOCDIR=<path_to_jsdoc-toolkit>
$ cd <path-to-era-repo>
$ java -jar $JSDOCDIR/jsrun.jar $JSDOCDIR/app/run.js -c=doc/jsdoc/conf/era.conf
Copyright (c) Departement du Rhone Erasme Copyright (c) Metropole de Lyon Erasme
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
The Software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the Software.