Bug fixes / Improvements
Fix the issue of table style for manual test case. #953
Fix the bug that occured when switching the source type for the first time after resetting the form while adding tags. #957
Fix the bug of regular expression of repository address field. #958
Fix the issue of purple label without background color. #962
Fix the bug that the empty page icon is not displayed when there is no branch on the API design page. #970
Fix the bug of tracking details type.#975
Fix the bug that cluster_name and application_id do not take effect when they exist in custom filter rules. #1459
Fix the issue that the ES index of log analysis is not scrolling.#1464 #1465
Fix the issue of memory leak when getting the instance list.#1493
Support getting the specified pod when obtaining the pod status list.#1495
Support production scale deployment. #30
Optimized Erda helm chart structure. #14
Support configuration Erda and dependent high-availability parameter. #35
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