Node.js implementations of some computational geometry algorithms:
- Minimum square covering;
- Maximum disjoint set;
- Fair cake-cutting with square pieces.
The algorithms are implemented as extensions to the JSTS library.
Installation requires browserify, and it is only required if you want to run the client code.
git clone
cd computational-geometry
npm install
Then, point your favorite browser to the file client/index.html to see some examples. To see it online, go to
var jsts = require("../computational-geometry"); // contains all JSTS functionality in addition to new algorithms
var factory = new jsts.geom.GeometryFactory();
var srp = new jsts.geom.SimpleRectilinearPolygon([0,0, 10,10, 20,20]);
console.log("An L-shaped simple rectilinear polygon:")
var covering = jsts.algorithm.minSquareCovering(srp);
console.log("A minimum square-covering:")
var squares = factory.createSquaresTouchingPoints([{x:1,y:1}, {x:2,y:1}, {x:1,y:2}]);
console.log("A collection of "+squares.length+" squares spanned by points:")
var disjointset = jsts.algorithm.maximumDisjointSet(squares);
console.log("A maximum disjoint set of "+disjointset.length+" squares:");
The algorithms work in many cases but they are NOT fully tested. See the test/ folder for the cases that do work.