The following are some of my learn in public projects. Ordered by more recent first to less recent:
- An easy-to-deploy Helm chart called flagr-helm-chart for Flagr, a feature flagging API.
- A Terraform and Kubernetes learn in public project called infrafy which is a simple infrastructure as code project using Terraform and Kubernetes with a simple web application made with Fastify.
- A boilerplate for Go API called gogimon which is a testable and scalable boilerplate for Go APIs.
- A CLI app made in Go called gurl which is a simple HTTP client that simulates the original a cURL.
- A fullstack app called kiosk-management. Made with React and Node. Developed an API REST with Express using TDD. Data persisted with MongoDB Atlas (using mongoose). React application uses React Router and Tailwind CSS. This project uses Lerna as monorepo manager.
- A Python 3 Hackerrank problems solutions repo called python-playground.
- A fullstack app called ad-network. Made using React, Node, MongoDB (mongoose) and Tailwind CSS;
- A fullstack app called react-postit. Made using React, Node (w/ Express), MongoDB (mongoose) and Tailwind CSS;
- A SPA called vue-movie which uses TMDB API to get movies. Made using Vue.js, Bulma and Sass;
and there is always more to discover!
I graduated in Philosophy at Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis (2018-2022). Also currently studying Analysis and Systems Development at Estácio de Sá University (2024-2025).
In Mathematics, I'm interested in learning about Set Theory, Algebra and Computational Mathematics. In Philosophy, I'm interested in reading and research about Philosophy of Mathematics, Logic, Non-classical Logics and Computational Philosophy. I'm looking for a bachelor of software engineering to complete my curriculum (2023-2028).
But most important thing of all: I am very hungry for knowledge and a truly curious researcher.
Feel free to read my contributions to academic philosophy. You can read them by clicking in my Google Scholar badge. If you want to know more about my professional experiences, check out my Linkedin profile!
"Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist." - L. Wittgenstein