This collection will allow you to:
- setup and configure libvirt
- create and remove domains
- also address storage and network
- perhaps even modify some of the above objects
It is very early work done mostly to learn how to handle collections but the collection already has:
- 1 role to basically setup a libvirt host
- roles to create and wipe domains (aka VMs)
So that using a proper inventory, you can create (and remove) as many VMs on as many hosts as you want, using a proper inventory. An example is available under the playbooks directory.
ansible-playbook -i inventory libvirt_domain_create.yml --limit test[12].\* -K
ansible-playbook -i inventory libvirt_domain_remove.yml --limit test\* \
-e virt_dom_undefine=true -e virt_dom_remove_storage=true -K