A library for loading, playing, and processing audio in a web browser.
I don't think it's a library that competes well against others that are more coherently devised to fit user needs. This library is basically just the functions that I gradually accumulated as I wrote multiple web projects that used audio. And it's a great timesaver for me to collect them in one place.
Why would I not just use somebody else's library? My viewpoint is lengthily articulated in this article I wrote - https://levelup.gitconnected.com/write-more-reuse-less-fbf8a010c5f4
TL;DR - The costs of reusing other people's code are higher than one might intuit.
Why would you want to use this library?
- It could be a dependency for a more interesting project that I've released.
- It's not bad as a learning reference. My coding style is biased towards clarity and lack of dependencies. You might be inclined to snippet or copy-and-rewrite from it.
The project isn't open to contributions at this point. But that could change. Contact me if you'd like to collaborate.
You can reach me on LinkedIn. I'll accept connections if you will just mention "SL Web Audio" or some other shared interest in your connection request.