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The frontend for FikIT, the swedish fika society at Chalmers, official website

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Development setup

  1. Copy .env.example to .env and fill in with relevant information
  2. Copy .env.development.example to .env.development and fill in with relevant information (default should be fine for dev)
  3. Run npm install
  4. Run npm run dev and open the URL printed in the terminal (typically http://localhost:3000)



The project uses gh-pages for deployment. gh-pages is a utility that helps you easily deploy a project to GitHub Pages from the command line. It simplifies the process of deploying static websites (like React, Vue, Angular apps, or other static assets) by automating the process of pushing your build files to the correct branch (gh-pages or a specified branch) on GitHub.

Steps for setting up the project

  1. Make sure the .env exists in root directory and has all relevant information
  2. run npm run gh to both build and deploy the project