This repository contains two main parts:
: a registry containing information related to in the Cosmos ecosystem, currently mainly used by Celatone and other Alles Labs products./server
: An implementation of a simple Flask server to expose the registry data as a REST API Endpoint
Chains are the network information used by Celatone and other products.
enum NetworkType {
Testnet = "testnet",
Mainnet = "mainnet"
type FaucetProvider = {
// name of faucet provider
provider: string
// faucet provider logo
logo: string
// link to faucet
url: string
type NodeProvider = {
// name of the node provider
provider: string
// node provider logo
logo: string
// node URL
url: string
// whether the node is an archive node
archive: bool
type Network = {
// type of network
type: NetworkType,
// celatone link
celatone: string
// chain ID
chainId: string
// prettified chain name
chainName: string
// URL of public LCD
publicLCD?: string
// link to public LCD Swagger
lcdSwagger?: string
// URL of public RPC
publicRPC?: string
// link to public RPC Swagger
rpcSwagger?: string
// URL of public GRPC Gateway
publicGRPC?: string
// list of third-party LCDs
lcds: Provider[]
// list of third-party RPCs
rpcs: Provider[]
// list of faucets
faucets: Faucet[]
Entities are the list of known individuals, teams, companies, protocols, and other actors. These are used to link together the different information types in the netework-specific section below.
type Social = {
name: string
url: string
type Entity = {
// the slug used to identify the entity
slug: string
// the prettified entity name
name: string
// brief description of the entity
description: string
// url link to the entity's website
website?: string
// url link to the entity's github repository/organization
github: string
// the filename of the entity's logo in /registry/assets/entities
logo: string
// list of social media channel belonging to the entity
// currently supports twiter, discord, and telegram
socials: Social[]
type Account = {
// the slug of the entity who the account belongs to
slug: string
// the name/label of the account
name: string
// the address of the account
address: string
// short description of the account
description: string
enum AssetType {
Native = "native"
Cw20 = "cw20"
type Asset = {
// list of entity slugs that the asset is associated with
slugs: string[]
// the id of the assets. denom for native tokens and token contract address for cw20
id: string
// human readable name for the asset
name: string
// short description of the asset
description: string
// url link to the asset's logo
logo: string
// the type of the asset. either "native" or "cw20"
type: AssetType
precision: number
type Code = {
// entity slug string that the code belongs to
slug: string
// name/label for the code
name: string
// on-chain code ID
id: number
// short description of the code
description: string
type Contract = {
// entity slug string that the contract belong to
slug: string
// name/label for the contract
name: string
// address of the contract deployed on chain
addresss: string
// short description of the code
description: string
The server then is a simple Python Flask server that is used to served the data in the registry over REST API. The registry data is appended by data from other external sources including:
- general data from each chain's publci LCD
- code and contract data from our indexer
- pricing data from CoinGecko
- Terra CW20 data from Terra's Hive
- code verification information from ScanWork's cw-contracts-registry repository.
For those interested in adding chain data to the registry, please see