Hello, my name is Paulo, but everybody calls me Lete. I'm a Computer Engineering student in Spain and no, I cannot hack your ex's Facebook account.
I really, really like coding, as you can see in my GitHub profile. I've developed several projects ranging from simple progress bars to complete search algorithms playgrounds. My main goal is to explore computer science in a nice, interesting way.
I've got a professional-ish level in Python programming. In fact, this was the first language I learned back in 2020. I can do almost anything with it, from data processing to API services management.
Since I'm a fan of UNIX-based systems, bash and zsh are fundamental languages for me as well. I can develop complex scripts in bash, yet I can never remember how to remove a file extension from a file name. That's sad, I know.
I also have some experience with languages such as Java, JavaScript (yes, I know they are not the same), C or C++, having developed some minor projects with them, but I must say I'm not a big fan of semicolons.
On a different line, I use Unreal Engine to develop 3D virtual reality environments, mainly for product showcase purposes.
Some say I'm a good leader, others say I'm not, but one thing is for sure: I know how to work in a team. I believe communication is the standard requirement for successful teamwork, and I make a good job encouraging this good practice.
Furthermore, despite being from Spain, I speak English on a decent level (I currently have got a C1 language certificate).
You can contact me through any of the following alternatives:
- Email: dev.szblzpaulo@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: Paulo Sánchez
- WhatsApp: you wish lol