2048-bot is an implementation of a computer bot playing the famous 2048 game.
Written in Python, this project contains an implementation of the 2048 game, as well as a bot script for automatically playing and solving it (or at least trying to :).
This project should run fine on recent versions of Python 2.x as well as Python 3.x
- bot.py - An implementation of a computer bot for playing the 2048 game.
- board.py - A Python class representing an 2048 game board, and implementing various operations on it.
- interactive_game.py - A manually playable version of the game (use the arrow keys for playing).
- moves.py - An "enum like" class definition used to define the four legal moves of the game (up, down, right, left).
- config.py - Defines serveral global constants (the size of the boards, and the target score for winning).
- helpers.py - some helper routines.