Welcome to WMIbeat. WMIbeat is a beat that allows you to run arbitrary WMI queries and index the results into elasticsearch so you can monitor Windows machines.
Ensure that this folder is at the following location:
To get running with WMIbeat, run "go build" and then run wmibeat.exe, as in the below run
If you don't want to build your own, hop over to the "releases" page to download the latest.
To configure the WMI queries to run, you need to change wmibeat.yml. Working from the default example:
- class: Win32_OperatingSystem
- FreePhysicalMemory
- FreeSpaceInPagingFiles
- FreeVirtualMemory
- NumberOfProcesses
- NumberOfUsers
- class: Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfDisk_LogicalDisk
- Name
- FreeMegabytes
- PercentFreeSpace
- CurrentDiskQueueLength
- DiskReadsPerSec
- DiskWritesPerSec
- DiskBytesPerSec
- PercentDiskReadTime
- PercentDiskWriteTime
- PercentDiskTime
whereclause: Name != "_Total"
objecttitlecolumn: Name
- class: Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Memory
- CommittedBytes
- AvailableBytes
- PercentCommittedBytesInUse
We can configure a set of classes, a set of fields per class, and a whereclause. If there are multiple results, for any WMI class, WMIbeat will add the results as arrays. If you need some help with what classes/fields, you can try WMI Explorer. Note that many of the more interesting classes are "Perf" classes, which has a special checkbox to see in that tool.
To run WMIbeat with debugging output enabled, run:
./wmibeat -c wmibeat.yml -e -d "*"
Beats is open source and has a convenient Beat generator, from which this project is based. For further development, check out the beat developer guide.