BodyTrace is a Ruby gem enabling receiving and storing requests from BodyTrace's digital scale:
###Installation run:
gem install bodytrace
or add to your Gemfile:
gem 'bodytrace'
###Usage this gem generate a platform to catch/store BodyTrace's digital scale POST requests in this format:
{"deviceId":XXXXXXXXXXXXX,"ts":1380562575798,"batteryVoltage":5522,"rssi":91,"values ":{"unit":1,"weight":69800,"tare":0}}
deviceId: IMEI serial number (without leading zeros and the last digit)
ts: timestamp when the measurement was taken represented in milliseconds since UNIX Epoch, UTC
batteryVoltage: battery voltage (mV) - functional battery voltage range: 4.7-6.0 V (could go a little over 6.0 V)
rssi: signal strength in (- dBm)
values/unit: measurement unit the scale was in at the time of taking the measurement
values/weight: weight value (in grams - regardless of unit)
values/tare: It shows the difference between the zero point setting before the weigh-in and after. If it is greater than + 0.1 kg, that means that the scale has a calibration error and the value sent as the weight value was offset by the amount indicated in the tare value.
rails g body_trace:install user_name password BodytraceMeasurement Device User
where: ####user_name [Required]:
http authentication user_name required to parse BodyTrace requests.
####password [Required]:
http authentication password required to parse BodyTrace requests.
####BodytraceMeasurement [Optional & default: BodytraceMeasurement]
Name of the model which will hold requests data comes from BodyTrace API.
####Device [Optional & default: Device]:
Name of the model which will hold information about "which user uses which scale device"
####User [Optional & default: User]:
Name of already existing "user" model that will be used to link with a scale device.
this will generate:
route resources :bodytrace_measurements, only: [:create]
create app/models/bodytrace_measurement.rb
create app/models/device.rb
create app/controllers/bodytrace_measurements_controller.rb
create db/migrate/20140707135956_create_bodytrace_measurements.rb
create db/migrate/20140707135957_create_devices.rb
Then run:
rake db:migrate
And finally:
Provide BodyTrace Team with a URL to [POST] Requests on it. In above example URL will be:
and provide them with user_name and password you generated for HTTP basic authentication.
###list of supported Requests / Responses :
Request: # heartbeat message
204 - No content
Request: # real error-free request
200 - OK
Request: # receiving "deviceId" not registered with a user
404 - Not Found
Request: # missing parameter request, missing "deviceId"
422 - unprocessable entity
Request: # missing parameter request, missing "values" paramter
422 - unprocessable entity
Request: # syntax-error in the request parameters, missing '}'
400 - Bad Request