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Dorin Mocan edited this page Jun 15, 2023 · 12 revisions

Welcome to the SignalRSwaggerGen wiki!

Nuget link:

This package can be used to generate Swagger documentation for SignalR hubs.


Let's look at the most simple example of how we can use this package to enable Swagger documentation for our SignalR hubs.

First we decorate our hubs with attributes from SignalRSwaggerGen.Attributes namespace:

Simple hub

public class SomeHub : Hub
    public async Task Send(int arg1, string arg2, [SignalRHidden] CancellationToken ct = default)
        await Clients.All.SendAsync("Receive", arg1, arg2, ct);

Strongly typed hub

public interface ISomeStronglyTypedHub
    Task Receive(int arg1, string arg2);

public class SomeStronglyTypedHub : Hub<ISomeStronglyTypedHub>
    public async Task Send(int arg1, string arg2)
        await Clients.All.Receive(arg1, arg2);

Second and last, we add SignalRSwaggerGen to Swagger generator:

services.AddSwaggerGen(options =>
    options.SwaggerDoc("v1", new OpenApiInfo { Title = "Some API v1", Version = "v1" });
    // some other configs

That's it!

For more complex scenarios, please check the XML documentation of the API.

For Swagger CLI users

Please make sure you explicitly specify the assemblies to be scanned by SignalRSwaggerGen, because by default only the entry assembly will be scanned, and in this case the entry assembly will be the one of the Swagger CLI tool, which obviously does not contain any SignalR hubs. You can specify the assemblies like this:

options.AddSignalRSwaggerGen(ssgOptions => ssgOptions.ScanAssemblies(...));

Hope this tutorial and package helps you. Good luck! :)

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