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Blueprint-based mod-loader for Unreal Engine

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Blueprint-based mod-loader for Unreal Engine. It attempts to be as generic as possible for easy set-up that does not require replacing any in-game assets for bootstrap. Mostly aimed at indie-games that do not attempt to change engine code.

ABPML strives to provides:

  • automatic mod discovery
  • both Widget and Actor based mods
  • interface for mods to interact with Manager
  • interface for Manager to interact with mods
  • some basic-events via EventManager like PersistentLevel changed, new streamed/instanced level loaded and visible, etc.
  • persistent mods (widgets)
  • persistent data for mods to store
  • ini-based config for mods, if desired
  • mod spawn rules
  • simple logging system





Where is the "source code"

The raw UAssets for manager will be added to BinaryData when the spaghetto inside is no longer vomit-inducing.


UE4.22 and below - supported, but requires backport.

UE4.23 - UE 5.1 - supported

[NM_Standalone builds only! NM_client functionality will be limited or broken for obvious reasons]

ABPML's only requirement so that the game reads and mounts custom PAKs or IOstore files properly. As long as this condition is valid, it should work. Usual restrictions apply when the game has custom changes made to Unreal Engine, this mostly means majority of Chinese games (absolutely paranoid) or Big Publisher games.


Unattended setup

ABPML supports unattended configuration when all required options baked into modmanager's PAK file. These usually expected to be made by community for specific game as a base modmanager for mods to use for end-user. In simple terms, it is a legacy drop-in _P PAK file. Unattended mode only works for type of game that allow asset auto-discovery at runtime.

ModManager tool/Manual

Requires some user interaction, mainly just launching the game via ModManager and some INI-file editing in case pre-made correct one aren't provided. The tool will automatically detect some of the settings for generic ABPML PAKs (see "Downloads" above), provided basic configuration options like UVersion and AESKey are supplied. This mode also used for manual (as in - manual by MM tool) PAK-based mods detection, when automatic discovery is confirmed to failing at runtime for specific game.



  1. Copy appropriate to your game version ABPML_UE4_2x_P.pak into <your_game_path>\GameName\Content\Paks\
  2. If this is not an unattend-installation, copy default Config/ABPML.ini in this repo into <your_game_path>
  3. Edit defaults with correct values for your game, mostly UVersion and AESKey
  4. Download ModManager release
  5. Extract into <your_game_path>\ModManager
  6. Run Modmanager.exe
  7. (Optional) If ModConfPAK mod discovery method is used, game ALWAYS must be started via Modmanager.exe


  1. Copy ABPML pak file provided by modding community into <your_game_path>\GameName\Content\Paks\
  2. That's all.

Runtime Usage

Mods spawned automatically according to their config rules.

Shift+F2 :: to summon basic UI (WIP)

Equals [=] :: to close UI when active (or use a button)

crn.quality 1 :: use this console command if game has input locked to UI (requires bSpawnConsole=True if supported)

Creating compatible mods

  1. Find your Unreal Engine installation folder (call it engine_root\)
  2. Copy folder Engine\ from BinaryData\ folder in this repo into your engine_root\. There will be no overwrites.
  3. Create basic project for your game or start existing
  4. In the Content Browser, on the bottom right, click View options, select Show Engine Content and disable Plugin/C++ if you don't need it (to avoid clutter)
  5. Now, toggle asset tree view on the left and navigate to Engine Content/ABPML. right click and select Validate, then repeat and select Resave all
  6. Go back to your projects Content/ folder.
  7. Create folder Mods/, inside that folder create some folder for your mod to keep organized, it can be a short name of your mod. For example Mods/InfiniteAmmo/
  8. Create new Data Asset asset (in Miscellaneous on right click) in this folder, as base/parent select PDA_ABPML_ModConfig
  9. Name it as ABPML_ModConf_<your_mod_short_name> where last bit (without <> is mod's short name)
  10. Create your Actor or UserWidget Blueprint that will be your mod. Name it as ABPML_Mod_<your_mod_short_name>
  11. Optionally, inherit from ABPML_IModBase interface
  12. Open your ABPML_ModConf DataAsset, and in ModToLoad select your mod object ABPML_Mod_***
  13. Fill the rest of the settings, save.
  14. Edit your mod to your hearts content.
  15. Use pak-chunks or manual PAKing to pak your mods content with full path (ie. you need to pack Mods/ folder structure)
  16. Drop created PAK into game's Paks folder. Depending on game' setup, _P prefix might be needed, otherwise, use pakchunk when available.
  17. That's all

Naming rules

Although automatic mod discovery system does not require any strict naming, because it cannot be relied upon in 100% of cases, strict naming required for forward and backward compatibility.
Rules as of now:

  • Prefix for mod config: ABPML_ModConf_
  • Prefix for main mod object: ABPML_Mod_


Mod discovery types

ABPML supports (or plans to) few types of mod loading:

  • DataAssetAuto - as long as ModConf asset is inherited and named correctly, and placed into correct mods folder (ModPackagePath) it will discover and load them automatically.
  • ModConfPAK - if previous method fails, ModManager tool will scan PAK files, using current PAK provider, detect mods and build a list of ModConf to process at runtime.
  • ModConfManual - mod authors specify the correct mod object path manually when they make the mod and modconf.ini for it. These are gathered and processed at runtime by ABPML.
  • UObjectAuto - currently not used. Reserved for when DataAsset mode fails.
  • UObjectPAK - see above
  • UObjectManual - see above


Fires when underlying UWorld object has changed i.e. when old World is destroyed and new on loaded. This method is default fallback when others aren't reliable.

Most useful for persistent UserWidget mods to get EndOfPlay events, so they don't have to fabricate their own dummy actor.

When available, if runtime restrictions allow, fired right at the end of Engine's Tick, just after new UWorld was created but hasn't ticked yet.

Fired when new level is added to World's level list, loaded and visible. Tracking these could be expensive, so the option is disabled by default. Resolution check: 1 second (configurable)


SoftClassObjectReference to your mod.

Short name of your mod, used in Manager's UI

Unused for now, but worth filling in.

Shows up in a pop-up window when hovering over mod entry in the UI.

Level name (short) that is used to check against when spawning your mod, i.e. if you wan to spawn only on TitleMap level, specify this string. Leave empty or Any to respawn on every level.

We use default Engine's IntVector struct as a semver alternative. Long story short, UserDefinedStruct absolutely unreliable so we have to improvise here and work with what he are given. X - major, Y - minor, Z - changeset/patch

Defines if the mod is persistent. This mean it will be spawned only once and added to KeepAlive list to survive PersistentLevel reloads. This only applies to UserWidget-based mods! Actor ALWAYS will be destroyed, there is NO bypassing it via BP. ABPML will ignore Actors.

Defines if mod is spawned only once in lifetime.

Disabled spawn by default (i.e. when you only want to spawn it via UI)

Reserved for future use.

Manager's config (ABPML config)




Try and spawn dev console if runtime allows for this.

Disabled automatic mod spawn. Useful when you want to do that manually from UI

Should we remove mod entry from discovered mods if we failed to spawn it (this implies SoftReference was most likely invalid)

Should we automatically travel to original GameDefaultMap after we are done with bootstrap process. This option is disabled by default but there is no good default value. Some games travel to main menu through their logo screen logic, even if they have dummy intro map, some expect level script in their intro level do the travel when logo has played till the end. Enabling in 1st case may crash or cause bugs, disabling in 2nd case may prevent proper travel past bootstrap. This setting is game-sensitive.

Should we process level collections for level events (level loaded/unloaded, etc). This further tweaked by LevelEventsCheckFreq when enabled

bRestoreOriginaltDefaulMap Should we restore original GameDefaultMap value after we have successfully bootstrapped. If this works without issues on target game it should be enabled.

Should we use AssetRegistry to do validity check on GameStartupMap when we do auto-travel from bootstrap map or should we use direct package load? First one is faster and better, technically, ABPML has 2 options just in case.

When should we spawn the mods. This option offers 3 values:

  • UWorldChange - most reliable, the mod actors respawned as soon as current UWorld object has changed/reloaded.
  • EngineEOF - spawns mod actor right at the end of a frame, after new World fully brought up but hasn't ticked yet. This is as early as possible with valid World.
  • DeferredEOF - tries to spawn actor's next closes frame after new World was brought up. Sometimes it can miss 1-2 frames.

Some of the work manager delegate to dummy Actor. This option controls how it is respawned after it dies with level change. DeferredSummon is the best available and att runtime, Manager checks if there is any restrictions on it and falls back to Uworld change.

See section [Mod discovery types].

Which input mode should Manager set when its Ui is closed. This depends on the game and context. Normally you would want Game so PlayerController can process input, but some games are pure 2D UI input so for them going back to Game makes no sense. Game sensitive.

Resolution of Manager's custom Tick function that is used as a fallback when worker Actor is unavailable. Ideally should exceed game framerate by 1.2x or match it.

Delay in second before we initiate travel to th standard game's boot map - GameDefaultMap.

How often, in seconds, we check levels for new changes (loaded/unloaded).

Controls threshold, in amount of newly added/removed levels, after which we no longer send dedicated per-level events with level name, to avoid spa, but rather we send one MultiLevelChanged event an let mods figure it out themselves.

Prefix we use for mod's naming scheme.

Prefix we use for mod's config naming scheme.

ABPML root dir, unused for now.

Where to search for mods. This is base path for all mods. ALL mods must reside inside that base path.

Version of the UE engine used in the game. Only relevant to PAK reader, if it is used (for example when ModScanType=ModConfPAK).

Key for decryption if game uses pak encryption. Requires ALWAYS even if no encryption present, just supply dummy 0x00000... 66 symbols.


  • Add mods state cache for Modmanager to avoid reading PAKs every time on startup.
  • Support for modconf and per-mods configs
  • Proper cross-platform UI for Modmanager
  • Proper UU for ABPML itself
  • Async loading logic
  • Expanded interface
  • Look further into splitting ABPML's logic and UI
  • Localization support at some point


Blueprint-based mod-loader for Unreal Engine






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