Final work developed for the course Uncertainty Quantification of the Graduate Program in Mechanical Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of Ilha Solteira (FEIS/UNESP).
Theme: Global [S]ensitivity [AN]alysis of an [E]nergy [HA]rvesting System with [P]eriodic [EX]citation via Sobol Indices
inSANE_HAPEX modules are commented to facilitate the usage by the users.
This suite is an ensemble of codes developed to conduct a global sensitivity analysis on an multimodal energy harvesting system with periodic excitation.
The underlying results are reported in the publication presented on publications folder.
Simulations done with inSANE_HAPEX are fully reproducible, considering that you have UQLab modules installed.
- Estevão Fuzaro de Almeida
- Lucas Veronez Goulart Ferreira
- Estênio Fuzaro de Almeida
- João Pedro Fernandes Salvador
We kindly ask users to cite the following reference in any publications reporting work done with inSANE_HAPEX:
author. = {Estevão Fuzaro de Almeida and Lucas Veronez Goulart Ferreira and Estênio Fuzaro de Almeida and João Pedro Fernandes Salvador},
title = { in{SANE_HAPEX} - {G}lobal {S}ensitivity {A}nalysis of an {E}nergy {H}arvesting {S}ystem with {P}eriodic {E}xcitation via {S}obol {I}ndices},
year = {2021},
howpublished = {},
inSANE_HAPEX is released under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details. All new contributions must be made under the MIT license.
The authors would also like to thank the financial support of the following Brazilian agencies: Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) - Grant No. 88887.639569/2021-00; São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) - Grants No. 2017/03829-7, 2018/26690-7 and 2021/06133-9; and National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) - Grant No. 129972/2021-5.