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Use reflection to generate OpenRPC service descriptions from static code and at runtime.



Go's net/rpc service works by using a code-style convention to structure a reflection-based implementation to build RPC servers around business logic.

This package works in a similar way, but instead of building RPC servers, it builds service descriptions (of those servers) which meet the OpenRPC Specification. Differentially, this package doesn't strictly enforce any specific code-style conventions, but provides an extensible pattern that can be moulded to fit nearly any RPC service implementation, whether hand-rolled or conventional. Sane defaults are provided fitting the conventions of popular Go RPC libraries, namely net/rpc and ethereum/go-ethereum/rpc.

this project is intended to open the door to openrpc adoption — and service discovery patterns in general — by removing the hurdle of requiring a human to actually sit down and write (and maintain) a complete and correct description of potentially complex services.

It enables APIs to provide accurate, complete, and dynamic descriptions of themselves which can adapt to varying permissions and visibility scopes, server businesses, and transport contexts.

Default Configurations

Two default Reflector configurations are included:

  • StandardReflector is intended to pair well with net/rpc,
  • EthereumReflector pairs with

These implementations can be customized to a large degree, or can be used as references to build your own from scratch. The EthereumReflector is basically a customized version of the StandardReflector.


The StandardReflector expects your API to be built following the pattern supported by Go's net/rpc library, which looks like this:

func (t *T) MethodName(argType T1, replyType *T2) error


The EthereumReflector expects your API to be built following the pattern supported by the Ethereum Foundation's package, which looks like this:

func (s *CalcService) Add(a, b int) (int, error)

Library Limitations

  • Parameter and result type discovery only works for exported fields. If your API uses types that don't expose fields that you want to be documented, you'll need to use a custom schema definition.
  • Custom encoding/marshaling. If your API or types use custom encoding (eg. type json.[Un|]Marshal methods), you may need to use custom schema definitions as above.
  • As of Go 1.13, Go provides a go build flag -trimpath, which removes all file system paths from the compiled executable, to improve build reproducibility (and reduce artifact sizes). Stripping file paths from their absolute context at build time prevents the AST parsing steps in the library from knowing where to look. This may be addressed in later versions of this library.

Short Example

// Follow the standard Go RPC service establishment pattern.
calculatorRPCService := new(MyCalculator)
server := rpc.NewServer()
// Register the receiver to the net/rpc server.
err = server.Register(calculatorRPCService)
if err != nil {

// Instantiate our document with sane defaults.
doc := &go_openrpc_reflect.Document{}
// Set up some minimum-viable application-specific information.
    GetServersFn: func() func(listeners []net.Listener) (*meta_schema.Servers, error) {
        return func([]net.Listener) (*meta_schema.Servers, error) { return nil, nil }
    GetInfoFn: func() (info *meta_schema.InfoObject) {
        return nil
    GetExternalDocsFn: func() (exdocs *meta_schema.ExternalDocumentationObject) {
        return nil
// Use a provided default Standard reflector pattern.

// Register the receiver to the doc.

// Wrap the document in a very simple default 'RPC' service struct, which provides one method: Discover,
// which returns the doc.Discover() value.
rpcDiscoverService := &RPC{doc}

// Register the OpenRPC Document service back to the rpc.Server.
err = server.Register(rpcDiscoverService)
if err != nil {

Full Example

This example is taken directly from ./examples/example1_test.go. Please read the other test cases in examples/ to see more implementation options.

package examples

import (

	go_openrpc_reflect ""
	meta_schema ""

// Set up a basic service that does some example-application things.
type MyCalculator struct {
	history []int

var errBadUse = errors.New("calculator doesn't work like that")

// net/rpc is sort of funny because it has these special conventions that you have
// to follow if you want to register receivers to net/rpc servers.
// These are conventions such as:
// - must be a method on a pointer receiver
// - must have two arguments
// - arguments must each be pointers
// - ... etc.
// Because these conventions are kind of funny, people often just use wrappers that fit
// these conventions around their 'actual' methods.
// But for the sake of brevity, which I'm probably close to losing anyways, we're just
// going go for the bone.

// PlusOneArg is an integer that will be incremented by one.
type PlusOneArg int

// PlusOneReply is an integer that will be one greater than the argument.
type PlusOneReply int

// PlusOne is deceivingly simple function that increments any value by 1.
func (c *MyCalculator) PlusOne(arg *PlusOneArg, reply *PlusOneReply) error {
	if arg == nil {
		return errBadUse
	answer := *arg + 1
	c.history = append(c.history, int(answer))
	*reply = (PlusOneReply)(answer)
	return nil

// ExampleDocument_DiscoverStandard demonstrates a basic application implementation
// of the OpenRPC document service.
func ExampleDocument_DiscoverStandard() {
	calculatorRPCService := new(MyCalculator)

	// Assign a new standard lib rpc server.
	server := rpc.NewServer()

	// Set up a listener for our standard lib rpc server.
	// Listen to TPC connections on any open port.
	listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", "")
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("Listener:", err)

	go func() {
		defer listener.Close()
		log.Printf("Serving RPC server on port %s", listener.Addr().String())

		// Start accept incoming HTTP connections
		err = http.Serve(listener, server)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatal("Serve:", err)

	// Instantiate our document with sane defaults.
	doc := &go_openrpc_reflect.Document{}

	// Set up some minimum-viable application-specific information.
	// These are 3 fields grouped as 'Meta' in the case are server and application-specific data
	// that depend entirely on application context.
	// These fields are filled functionally, and Servers uses a lambda.
	// The fields are:
	// - Servers: describes server information like address, protocol, etc.
	// - Info: describes title, license, links, etc.
	// - ExternalDocs: links to document-level external docs.
	// This is the only place you really have to get your hands dirty.
	// Note that Servers and Info fields aren't strictly-speaking allowed to be nil for
	// an OpenRPC document to be 'valid' by spec (they're *required*), but this is just to
	// show that these are the only things that you have to actually think about
	// and we don't really care about meeting spec in a simple example.
		GetServersFn: func() func(listeners []net.Listener) (*meta_schema.Servers, error) {
			return func([]net.Listener) (*meta_schema.Servers, error) { return nil, nil }
		GetInfoFn: func() (info *meta_schema.InfoObject) {
			return nil
		GetExternalDocsFn: func() (exdocs *meta_schema.ExternalDocumentationObject) {
			return nil

	// Use a Standard reflector pattern.
	// This is a sane default supplied by the library which fits Go's net/rpc reflection conventions.
	// If you want, you can also roll your own, or edit pretty much any part of this standard object you want.
	// Highly tweakable.

	// Register our calculator service to the rpc.Server and rpc.Doc
	// I've grouped these together because in larger applications
	// multiple receivers may be registered on a single server,
	// and receiver registration is often done in a loop.
	// NOTE that net/rpc will log warnings like:
	//   > rpc.Register: method "BrokenReset" has 1 input parameters; needs exactly three'
	// This is because internal/fakearithmetic has spurious methods for testing this package.

	err = server.Register(calculatorRPCService) // <- Register the receiver to the net/rpc server.
	if err != nil {
	doc.RegisterReceiver(calculatorRPCService) // <- Register the receiver to the doc.

	// Wrap the document in a very simple default 'RPC' service, which provides one method: Discover.
	// This meets the OpenRPC specification for the service discovery endpoint to be at the reserved
	// endpoint.
	// You can easily roll your own Discover service if you'd like to do anything tweakable or fancy or different
	// with the document endpoint.
	rpcDiscoverService := &RPC{doc}
	// (For the curious, here's what the whole of this RPC service looks like behind the scenes.)
		type RPC struct {
			Doc *Document

		type RPCArg int // noop

		func (d *RPC) Discover(rpcArg *RPCArg, document *meta_schema.OpenrpcDocument) error {
			doc, err := d.Doc.Discover()
			if err != nil {
				return err
			*document = *doc
			return err

	// Now here's the good bit.
	// Register the OpenRPC Document service back to the rpc.Server.
	// This is registering the service description... erm, service, to the server.
	// This registers the endpoint on the server.
	err = server.Register(rpcDiscoverService)
	if err != nil {

	// Now, let's test it with a client.
	// This part would normally not be here, it would live somewhere far far way in a client land.
	// But for the sake of example.
	client, err := rpc.DialHTTP("tcp", listener.Addr().String())
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Error in dialing. %s", err)
	defer client.Close()

	// First, let's make sure the calculator is calculating.
	var reply PlusOneReply
	argument := PlusOneArg(42)
	err = client.Call("MyCalculator.PlusOne", &argument, &reply)
	if err != nil {
	if reply != 43 {
		log.Fatal("wrong math!")

	// Now we get to actually test that the endpoint is actually working!
	discoverReply := meta_schema.OpenrpcDocument{}
	err = client.Call("RPC.Discover", 0, &discoverReply)
	if err != nil {

	// Output: 1.2.6

	j, _ := json.MarshalIndent(discoverReply, "", "    ")
	// TADA!
OpenRPC Document Response

Running this Example test yields the following response:

=== RUN   ExampleDocument_DiscoverStandard
2020/05/18 18:49:24 Serving RPC server on port
2020/05/18 18:49:24 43
2020/05/18 18:49:24 {
    "openrpc": "1.2.6",
    "info": null,
    "methods": [
            "name": "MyCalculator.PlusOne",
            "description": "```go\nfunc (c *MyCalculator) PlusOne(arg *PlusOneArg, reply *PlusOneReply) error {\n\tif arg == nil {\n\t\treturn errBadUse\n\t}\n\tanswer := *arg + 1\n\tc.history = append(c.history, int(answer))\n\t*reply = (PlusOneReply)(answer)\n\treturn nil\n}// PlusOne is deceivingly simple function that increments any value by 1.\n\n```",
            "summary": "PlusOne is deceivingly simple function that increments any value by 1.\n",
            "paramStructure": "by-position",
            "params": [
                    "name": "arg",
                    "description": "*PlusOneArg",
                    "schema": {
                        "type": "integer"
                    "required": true
            "result": {
                "name": "reply",
                "description": "*PlusOneReply",
                "schema": {
                    "type": "integer"
                "required": true
            "externalDocs": {
                "description": "Github remote link",
                "url": ""
--- PASS: ExampleDocument_DiscoverStandard (0.00s)
OpenRPC Document Playground

Which can then be copy-pasted into the OpenRPC Playground for review:
