✨ en
🕱 Copyright
and mapped it to ⌥ c , pressing it enables the following:
✨ ru
🕱 Copyright
and mapped it to ⌥ с , pressing it enables the following:
✨ en
🕱 OldCyrillic
and mapped it to ⌥ o , pressing it enables the following:
✨ ru
🕱 OldCyrillic
and mapped it to ⌥ щ , pressing it enables the following:
✨ en
🕱 macron
and mapped it to ⌥ ⇧ o , pressing it enables the following:
a ā
e ē
i ī
o ō
u ū
y ȳ
g ḡ
(and the same with the Capital letters)
␠ ¯ (stand-alone macron)
⌥ ⇧ o ̄ (combining macron)
⌥ ⇧ q ᷌ (combining macron-breve)
✨ en
add 🕱 dead sub-key Macron+Grave
and mapped it to ⌥ ⇧ ` or ` (in 🕱 macron
), pressing it enables the following:
e ḕ
o ṑ
(and the same with the Capital letters)
⌥ ⇧ ` ᷆ (combining Macron-Grave)
⌥ ⇧ o ᷅ (combining Grave-Macron)
✨ en
add 🕱 dead sub-key Macron+Acute
and mapped it to ⌥ ⇧ ; or ; (in 🕱 macron
), pressing it enables the following:
e ḗ
o ṓ
(and the same with the Capital letters)
⌥ ⇧ / ᷄ (combining Macron-Acute)
⌥ ⇧ o ᷇ (combining Acute-Macron)
✨ ru
🕱 macron
and mapped it to ⌥ ⇧ щ , pressing it enables the following:
й ӣ
у ӯ
и ӣ
(and the same with the Capital letters)
␠ ¯ (stand-alone macron)
⌥ ⇧ щ ̄ (combining macron)
You can’t perform that action at this time.