This is the test task for junior WEB-dev.
The goal of this application - is to simulate payment with credit card.
Task conditions and restrictions:
- use Angular (>1.3) for Front-end
- use Nodejs for Back-end with one of the frameworks (express/totaljs/sailsjs/hapi/koajs)
- can't use external Angular modules
- can't use external librarys like jQuery and etc.
- create many validation interfaces
I've added a Mongoose to improve presentation of the data that used in payment transfers and etc.
Because of all this dependences, I chose MEAN template for this app.
Used to control all user's actions, form validations, for manipulating user's data and etc.
Used to create WEB server with JavaScript
Provides a layer of fundamental web application features
The user's data, that used in application, is contained in 3 models:
- User - represents a bank account (account currency - euro). Example:
"bank_account_value": 999943573,
"type": "visa",
"nameOnCard": "MARK ZUCKERBERG",
"cardNumber": 4444444444444444,
"expiryDate": "0444",
"securityCode": 444
- Payment Transfers - represents a history of payment transfers. Example:
"bank_account_value_before": 999948017,
"bank_account_value_after": 999943573,
"cardNumber": 4444444444444444,
"nameOnCard": "MARK ZUCKERBERG",
"amount": 4444,
"currency": "euro",
"createdAt": 1473629151733
- Card - represents a data of different kinds of credit cards. Example:
"type": "mastercard",
"first_number": 5,
"card_number_length": 16,
"security_code_lenght": 3,
"logo": "",
"hint": "../images/card_tooltips/nonamex.png",
"regex": "^5[1-5][0-9]{14}$"
Of course, this data applicable only for presentation, but it helps to understand how app is working.
Also for security improvement I used HTTPS
protocol, with own created sertificate that can be found in dir /ssl
Available card types can be found at https://localhost/api/cards
All Angular code placed into modules.
git clone
cd payment-form-app
npm install
npm start
# in browser
Don't forget to change userURI
"mongoose": {
"options": {
"config": {
"autoIndex": false
"server": {
"socketOptions": {
"keepAlive": 1
I've created two bank accounts to demonstrate different results of payment processes:
- The first user
bank account value: 999943573 € (or less)
name: Mark Zuckerberg
card type: visa
card number: 4444 4444 4444 4444
expiry date: 04/44
security code: 444
- The second user
bank account value: 83 € (or less)
name: Pavel Tech
card type: amex
card number: 3733 3333 3333 3333
expiry date: 03/33
security code: 333