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Europeana REST API adapter for Blacklight. Used in Europeana Collections.


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Ruby gem providing an adapter to use the Europeana REST API as a data source for Blacklight.


See the Quick Start Guide.


Supported Blacklight features

  • Search
  • View record
  • Pagination of search results
  • Field facets
  • Query facets
  • Facet limits
  • Fielded search
  • Bookmarks
  • Range queries

Unsupported Blacklight features

  • Result sorting :(
  • "Did you mean" spellcheck
  • MLT Solr-style (but see custom features)

Custom features

  • Nested EDM field names
  • MLT by record ID in :mlt URL parameter
  • Query facets with arbitrary API parameters

Query facets

In the configuration for query facet fields, the :fq option is a Hash, to permit specification of multiple parameters to be passed to the API:

configure_blacklight do |config|
  config.add_facet_field 'Cities (reusable content)', query: {
    paris: { label: 'Paris', fq: { qf: 'paris', reusability: 'open' } },
    berlin: { label: 'Berlin', fq: { qf: 'berlin', reusability: 'open' } }

Warning: query facets are achieved by sending additional queries to the API. If you configure 2 query facets each with 10 facet values, this will result in an additional 20 queries being sent to the API.


Licensed under the EUPL v1.2.

For full details, see