Library to connect and interact with LG V2 devices through the thinq api. For now the only supported device is the airconditioner, as I don't own any other LG devices.
Code example:
// In this example Serilog is used, but it can be any logging library
Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
ThinqClient thinqClient;
string passportFilePath = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "Passport.json");
// A passport can be used to speed up the login process
// In this example the passport is saved in a json file
if (!File.Exists(passportFilePath))
thinqClient = new ThinqClient(LoggerFactory.Create(builder => builder.AddSerilog()));
// Request the passport and save it for later use
Passport passport = await thinqClient.GetPassportAsync("your_username", "your_password");
File.WriteAllText(passportFilePath, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(passport));
Passport passport = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Passport>(File.ReadAllText(passportFilePath));
// If the passport is provided through the constructor, the GetPassportAsync method doesn't have to be called
thinqClient = new ThinqClient(passport, LoggerFactory.Create(builder => builder.AddSerilog()));
IEnumerable<DeviceClient> deviceClients = await thinqClient.ConnectAsync();
// Turn all airconditioners on
foreach (DeviceClient deviceClient in deviceClients)
if (deviceClient is AcClient acClient)
await acClient.SetSnapshotValue(snapshot => snapshot.IsOn, true);
// or
await acClient.SetOnState(true);
// or send multiple values
await acClient.SendMultipleValues(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100))
.Value(s => s.IsOn, true)
.Value(s => s.OperationMode, (double)AcMode.Cool)
.Value(s => s.FanSpeed, (double)AcFanSpeed.High)
deviceClient.OnDeviceSnapshotChanged += (sender, args) =>
Console.WriteLine($"Snapshot of device {deviceClient.DeviceInfo.Alias} has changed: {deviceClient.DeviceSnapshot}");