Work in progress podcasting app built using Rails and Ember
This project is using postgresql because that is the databse supported by Heroku. Here are the postgres install instructions for Arch Linux
Install postgres from your package manager
Switch to the
user$ sudo -i -u postgres
Initialize the postgres data store
[postgres]$ initdb --locale en_US.UTF-8 -E UTF8 -D '/var/lib/postgres/data'
Start the postgres service (If you use Systemd the command is
[you] $ systemctl start postgresql
) -
Create the postgres user
[postgres]$ createuser --interactive
Username:<your username>
Create Databases:y
Create Rolls:n
rake db:setup
$ guard
runs tests when files change.
Run $ rake feeds:update
to update all feeds.
This app draws your facebook developer credentials from your system's environment. To test and use facebook login while developing you will have to create a facebook developer account and create an app.
Create the app. Go to
and create an app namedbuzz-dev
Export the app's id and secret to our env. Go to the app's
page and copy theApp ID
andApp Secret
into your shell's rc (likely~/.bashrc
export BUZZ_FACEBOOK_APP_ID='---------------'
export BUZZ_FACEBOOK_SECRET='---------------'
Ensure this information is not uploaded anywhere public. I use a ~/.keys
file that I source in my shell rc's instead so that I can make my rc's
# ~/.zshenv
#:: load credentials
[[ -f "$HOME/.keys" ]] && source "$HOME/.keys";
- Add a
platform Click Add platform and select website. For development testing set theSite URL
Branch: remote
Rdio like remote control through websockets.
[x] Munaully set player to local
or remote
[x] Audio events and controls are sent through the socket.
[ ] Ensure only one player is local
and the others are remote
[ ] Current episode and queue information need to be syncronized through
the socket.
Branch: test
Create automated tests
Models: [X] category [X] episode [X] feed_cache [X] podcast [X] queued_episode [ ] queue_manager [ ] subscription [ ] user
Controllers: [ ] categories_controller [ ] episodes_controller [ ] podcasts_controller [ ] queued_episodes_controller [ ] subscriptions_controller
Javascript: [ ] All of it.