A Powerline patched version of the second greatest monospaced font ever. Repatched and fixed (and soon to be extended) version of powerline-consolas
All characters work, but are misaligned and are of the wrong size. The list of patched characters follows:
- Left Segment Separator: "\uE0B0" (by @eviltak)
- Right Segment Separator: "\uE0B2" (by @eviltak)
- Consolas Regular (by @eviltak)
- Consolas Bold
- Consolas Italic
- Consolas Bold Italic
ConsolasForPowerline with Zsh and the Powerlevel9k theme.
Just download the ConsolasForPowerline.ttf and install it on your machine.
You know the drill: clone the project, edit the TTF (and/or add more versions and screenshots) and submit a pull request. In addition, you can also edit this README and add your revisions (with attribution) to the Supported Characters and Versions section of the README, or your screenshots with an optional description to the Screenshots section.