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MetaClassifier is an integrated pipeline for identifying the plant taxonomic composition of DNA from pollen baskets or honey, using DNA metabarcoding to determine the source plant species composition. MetaClassifier uses a database of marker sequences and their corresponding taxonomic lineage information to classify high-throughput metabarcoding sequence read data into taxonomic groups and quantify taxon abundance.MetaClassifier can also be employed in other studies that utilize barcoding, metabarcoding, and metagenomics techniques to characterize richness, abundance, relatedness, and interactions in ecological communities.

In addition to this README file, you can consult the MetaClassifier manual for more detailed information.


MetaClassifier requires dependencies and external tools that need to be installed and available on the environment where the pipeline will be used. This is not a requirement if installing MetaClassifier in Bioconda.


External tools

  • PEAR for merging overlapping paired-end (PE) reads
  • seqtk for converting FASTQ to FASTA sequence format
  • VSEARCH for searching searching high-throughtput sequence read data against marker database

Python package installation

MetaClassifier is available through pypi. To install, type:

pip install metaclassifier

Repository from GitHub

Either "git clone" or download and "unzip"
cd MetaClassifier/
python install

Bioconda package

This requires a working Conda installation. A MetaClassifier docker container is also available on the Bioconda.

conda install -c bioconda metaclassifier

We recommend installing MetaClassifier in a new separate environment from the base for all dependencies to be properly resolved by conda. To install, type:

conda create -n "metaclassifier" -c bioconda metaclassifier

Marker reference databases

MetaCurator reference databases with taxonomic lineage information reformatted to work with MetaClassifier. Detailed step by step tutorial workflow for creating reference marker database is described on the GitHub MetaCurator database repository

Using MetaClassifier

  • MetaClassifier pipeline package:
    • Display all usage options:
      python3 -m metaclassifier -h
    • Basic usage with defaults for optional arguments:
      python3 -m metaclassifier [options] <SAMPLE_FILE> <DB_DIR> <CONFIG_FILE>
  • MetaClassifier pipeline wrapper script:
    • Display all usage options:
      python3 MetaClassifier/ -h
    • Basic usage with defaults for optional arguments:
      python3 MetaClassifier/ [options] <SAMPLE_FILE> <DB_DIR> <CONFIG_FILE>
  • MetaClassifier read processing script:
    • Display all usage options:
      python3 MetaClassifier/metaclassifier/ -h
    • Basic usage with defaults for optional arguments:
      python3 MetaClassifier/metaclassifier/ [options] <SAMPLE_FILE>
  • MetaClassifier read classification script:
    • Display all usage options:
      python3 MetaClassifier/metaclassifier/ -h
    • Basic usage with defaults for optional arguments:
      python3 MetaClassifier/metaclassifier/ [options] <FASTA_DIR> <DB_DIR> <CONFIG_FILE>


  • <SAMPLE_FILE> is the input tab-separated file specifying 1) sample names, 2) file names for forward paired-end reads, and 3) file names for reverse paired-end reads. The full file path is required if the files are not in the current working directory, and the second file is not required for single-end fragments. Example sample input file is available here.
  • <DB_DIR> is the input marker database directory with sequence FASTA files and corresponding taxonomic lineage files for each marker. Marker data files should be named with marker nomenclature followed by .fa for the FASTA sequence file and .tax for the taxonomic lineage file. (i.e., ITS1.fa and for the first internal transcribed spacer in eukaryotic ribosomal RNA subunit genes). The marker taxonomic lineage files should be formatted as a tab-separated files with: 1) the NCBI taxon ID, 2) order name, 3) family name, 4) genus name, and 5) species name as shown in the MetaClassifier's MetaCurator reformatted reference database.
  • <CONFIG_FILE> is the input tab-separated file specifying marker name (i.e., ITS1) and its corresponding VSEARCH's usarch global function search settings of minimum query coverage (i.e., 0.8 for 80) and minimum sequence identity (i.e., 0.95 for 95%) for each search marker. Example sample input file is available here.
  • <FASTA_DIR> is the directory containing sample read data FASTA produced by either the MetaClassifier's script or from an external source for classification by the MetaClassifier's script.

MetaClassifier output

As an example, this section uses the a small test dataset subsampled from the sample read data that was utilized in the Sponsler et al., 2020 study to show how to perform an complete analysis using the MetaClassifier wrapper script. The test datasets and external tools Linux binaries are located in the test and bin sub-directory of MetaClassifier installation respectively.


  • Get into the test directory of MetaClassifier:
    • cd MetaClassifier/test/
  • Unpack the sample1 and sample2 test paired-end (PE) read files:
    • gzip -d *.gz
  • Download and unpack the MetaCurator reference database in the db directory of MetaClassifier:
    • wget -qO- | tar -xvz -C ../db/
  • Change persmissions to make external tools Linux binaries in the bin directory executable:
    • chmod u+x ../bin/*
  • Execute the wrapper script with defaults for optional arguments and allowing paired-end merging:
    • python ../ -m -r ../bin/pear -s ../bin/seqtk -a ../bin/vsearch sample_input.tsv ../db/MetabarcodeDBsV2 sample_config.tsv

Run log:

MetaClassifier version 1.0.1 (release date: 05 March 2021)

17:22:40 - Starting MetaClassifier...

17:22:40 - - Merging paired-end (PE) sample read dataset(s)...

17:23:36 - - Converting merged paired-end (PE) sample read dataset(s) from FASTQ to FASTA...

17:23:36 - - Searching for markers in the sample read dataset(s)...

17:23:36 - - - Searching sample sample1...

17:24:51 - - - - Computing genus taxonomy class read proportions for ITS1 marker...

17:27:27 - - - - Computing genus taxonomy class read proportions for ITS2 marker...

17:28:59 - - - - Computing genus taxonomy class read proportions for trnL marker...

17:29:00 - - - - Computing and rescaling median proportions for genus taxonomy class across all markers...

17:29:00 - - - Searching sample sample2...

17:30:17 - - - - Computing genus taxonomy class read proportions for ITS1 marker...

17:32:54 - - - - Computing genus taxonomy class read proportions for ITS2 marker...

17:34:29 - - - - Computing genus taxonomy class read proportions for trnL marker...

17:34:29 - - - - Computing and rescaling median proportions for genus taxonomy class across all markers...

17:34:29 - Completed MetaClassifier...
Total elapsed time 708


All of the output will be in the sample_input/ output directory, named after the sample input file name if an alternative output name is not provided by the -o option. If running the complete pipeline using the wrapper script as shown above, the contents of the output directory is as follows:

├── merge_dir/
|           ├── sample1_pear.log
|           ├── sample1.assembled.fastq
|           ├── sample1.discarded.fastq
|           ├── sample1.unassembled.forward.fastq
|           ├── sample1.unassembled.reverse.fastq
|           ├── sample2_pear.log
|           ├── sample2.assembled.fastq
|           ├── sample2.discarded.fastq
|           ├── sample2.unassembled.forward.fastq
|           └── sample2.unassembled.reverse.fastq
├── fasta_dir/
|           ├── sample1.fasta
|           └── sample2.fasta
├── sample1/
|         ├── ITS1_vsearch.log
|         ├── ITS1_blast6out.tsv
|         ├── ITS2_vsearch.log 
|         ├── ITS2_blast6out.tsv
|         ├── trnL_vsearch.log
|         ├── trnL_blast6out.tsv
|         └── sample1_rescaled_propotions.tsv
├── sample2/
|         ├── ITS1_vsearch.log
|         ├── ITS1_blast6out.tsv
|         ├── ITS2_vsearch.log 
|         ├── ITS2_blast6out.tsv
|         ├── trnL_vsearch.log
|         ├── trnL_blast6out.tsv
|         └── sample2_rescaled_propotions.tsv
└── sample.tsv


  • merge_dir/: this output sub-directory contains results of the sample paired-end (PE) read merging process, including *_pear.log: the PEAR merger run logs, *.assembled.fastq: the merged overlapping PE reads, *.discarded.fastq: discarded erroneous reads, *.unassembled.forward.fastq: unmerged forward fragments of PE reads, and *.unassembled.reverse.fastq: unmerged reverse fragments of PE reads.
  • fasta_dir/: this output sub-directory contains the merged overlapping paired-end reads sample FASTA converted from FASTQ format. This out directory can be used as an input of the script for reruns to optimize classification parameters.
  • sample1&2/ this output sub-directories contains results of the each sample's paired-end reads classification process, including *_vsearch.log: the reference marker VSEARCH run logs, *_blast6out.tsv: the reference marker VSEARCH search results, and *_rescaled_propotions.tsv: the identified sample taxonomic composition and taxon read abundance propotions.
  • sample.tsv this is a recreated sample input file for merged sample paired-end reads.


usage: [-h] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-f {paired,single}] [-m]
                         [-c {order,family,genus,species}] [-p MIN_PROPORTION]
                         [-i MAX_MARKERS] [-r PEAR_MERGER]
                         [-s SEQTK_CONVERTER] [-a VSEARCH_ALIGNER]
                         [-t THREADS] [-v]
                         SAMPLE_FILE DB_DIR CONFIG_FILE
The uses DNA metabarcoding sequence reads and a database of marker sequences, including
corresponding taxonomy classes to identify and quantify the floral composition of honey

positional arguments:
  SAMPLE_FILE           Input tab-delimited file specifying sample names, file names for forward paired-end
                        reads, and file names for reverse paired-end reads (full file path if not in working directory)
                        The second file not required for single-end frangments
  DB_DIR                Input marker database directory with sequence fasta and corresponding taxonomy lineage
                        files for each marker
  CONFIG_FILE           Input tab-delimited file specifying marker name, and its corresponding VSEARCH's
                        usearch_global function minimum query coverage (i.e. 0.8 for 80%) and minimun sequence
                        identity (i.e. 0.95 for 95%) for each search marker (provide the full file path of the
                        VSEARCH settings configurations if is not in the working directory)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        Specify output directory name, otherwise it will automatically be created using the
                        input sample table file name
  -f {paired,single}, --frag_type {paired,single}
                        Specify the sequence fragment type in the input sample file, available options are:
                        paired: single-end read fragments (default)
                        single: paired-end read fragments
  -m, --merge           Merge overlapping paired-end reads (default: False)
  -c {order,family,genus,species}, --tax_class {order,family,genus,species}
                        Taxonomy class for quantify taxon level marker read abundance (default: genus)
  -p MIN_PROPORTION, --min_proportion MIN_PROPORTION
                        Minimum taxon read proportion allowed to retain a sample taxon, allowed proportion,
                        ranges from 0.00 to 0.01 (default = 0.00)
  -i MAX_MARKERS, --max_markers MAX_MARKERS
                        Maximum missing markers allowed to retain a sample taxon (default = 0)
  -r PEAR_MERGER, --pear_merger PEAR_MERGER
                        Path to PEAR, the paired-end read merger if not in environmental variables (ENV)
                        (default: read from ENV)
                        Path to seqtk, the sequence processing tool if not in environmental variables (ENV)
                        (default: read from ENV)
                        Path to VSEARCH, the sequence analysis tool if not in environmental variables (ENV)
                        (default: read from ENV)
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        Specify the number of threads to use (default: 2)
  -v, --version         Print the current version and exit

usage: [-h] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-f {paired,single}] [-m]
                        [-r PEAR_MERGER] [-s SEQTK_CONVERTER] [-t THREADS]

The script optionally merges overlapping paired-end (PE) reads when the DNA fragment is
shorter than two times the read length, and converts fastq to fasta format

positional arguments:
  SAMPLE_FILE           Input tab-delimited file specifying sample names, file names for forward paired-end
                        reads, and file names for reverse paired-end reads (full file path if not in working directory)
                        The second file not required for single-end fragments

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        Specify output directory name, otherwise it will automatically be created using the
                        input sample table file name
  -f {paired,single}, --frag_type {paired,single}
                        Specify the sequence fragment type in the input sample file, available options are:
                        paired: single-end read fragments (default)
                        single: paired-end read fragments
  -m, --merge           Merge overlapping paired-end reads (default: False)
  -r PEAR_MERGER, --pear_merger PEAR_MERGER
                        Path to PEAR, the paired-end read merger if not in environmental variables (ENV)
                        (default: read from ENV)
                        Path to seqtk, the sequence processing tool if not in environmental variables (ENV)
                        (default: read from ENV)
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        Specify the number of threads to use (default: 2)
  -v, --version         Print the current version and exit

usage: [-h] [-a VSEARCH_ALIGNER]
                         [-c {order,family,genus,species}] [-p MIN_PROPORTION]
                         [-i MAX_MARKERS] [-t THREADS] [-v]
                         FASTA_DIR DB_DIR CONFIG_FILE
The script searches for marker sequences in mult-fasta short reads sample datasets,
identifies sample taxonomic composition, and quantifies taxon read abundance

positional arguments:
  FASTA_DIR             Input sample read data fasta file directory - either merged paired-end PE or
                        single-end fasta files
  DB_DIR                Input marker database directory with sequence fasta and corresponding taxonomy lineage
                        files for each marker
  CONFIG_FILE           Input tab-delimited file specifying marker name, and its corresponding VSEARCH's
                        usearch_global function minimum query coverage (i.e. 0.8 for 80%) and minimun sequence
                        identity (i.e. 0.95 for 95%) for each search marker (provide the full file path of the
                        VSEARCH settings configurations if is not in the working directory)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Path to VSEARCH, the sequence analysis tool if not in environmental variables (ENV)
                        (default: read from ENV)
  -c {order,family,genus,species}, --tax_class {order,family,genus,species}
                        Taxonomy class for quantify taxon level marker read abundance (default: genus)
  -p MIN_PROPORTION, --min_proportion MIN_PROPORTION
                        Minimum taxon read proportion allowed to retain a sample taxon, allowed proportion,
                        ranges from 0.00 to 0.01 (default = 0.00)
  -i MAX_MARKERS, --max_markers MAX_MARKERS
                        Maximum missing markers allowed to retain a sample taxon (default = 0)
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        Specify the number of threads to use (default: 2)
  -v, --version         Print the current version and exit


If you use MetaClassifier please cite the following paper that describes the methodology:

Characterizing the floral resources of a North American metropolis using a honey bee foraging assay.
Douglas B. Sponsler, Don Shump, Rodney T. Richardson, Christina M. Grozinger.
Ecosphere 11, no. 4 (2020): e03102.


MetaClassifier is distributed under the GNU GPL v3.0 - for more information, see license.