import ""
Request URL:
POST http://IP:PORT/v1/event
Request Body:
{ "subject": "payment", "type": "notifier", "retry_count": 100, "retry_interval": 2, "retry_timeout": 600, "retry_policy": 2, "target_url": "", "body": { "subject": "bocpoints-704fd8a2-dc25-4076-92df-d434e3d7e31f", "eventType": 1, "chaincodeID": "50aa2bc9277c23a418f843d817bb545aafc87af86b2dc6bc53421b45e733732b5dc6bd484da05a741b8323aa92646c8510972b35de9f623097b0645db9afda81", "chaincodeName": "bocpoints", "chaincodeEventName": "PaymentNotify", "txID": "704fd8a2-dc25-4076-92df-d434e3d7e31f", "txType": 2 } }
- subject: event subject
- type: event type, supported two event types: 1. notifier, 2. queuer.
- retry_count: The max retry count
- retry_interval: The retry interval
- retry_timeout: The retry timeout
- retry_policy: 1: Stop to retry when the max retry count reached; 2: Stop to retry when the retry timeout reached
- body: the actual data to be published
Response Result:
{ "error_code" : 0, "message": "error description", "event_id": "123", "create_time" : "2017-08-02 08:17:35" }
- error_code: 0 indicates success, none-zero indicates failure.
- message: Represents the error information when error_code is none-zero
- event_id: if
is zero, return the event global unique ID - create_time: create time of the event