We built this Twitch-integrated Penguin Skydiving game live on Twitch!
Come and hang out with us at the Comfiest Corner on Twitch!
Thank you to all the participants of this project!
MacabreMan2, losthewar, StreamElements, Instafriend, Instafluff, ChatTranslator, pookiepew, LastLeap, That_MS_Gamer, sethorizer, DevMerlin, kevkab, sparky_pugwash, csharpfritz, NULLYUKI, BountyHunterLani, doworkout, DutchGamer46, ravavyr, royoushi, Aririal, Dat1DUD3, MrRayKoma, AntiViGames, Stay_Hydrated_Bot, Levent133, nazabar, Kushimitama, fd_god92, Tomcii, FuriousFur, kukji232, NinjaFalcon_2, Deitypotato, PinataHero, LamerYo, adamisbest1231, donaldwm, BaristaJosh, simrose4u, mrstealyoguuurrl, stresstest, supremegoku5, oto_9717, StudsTwerkel, Breci, TheHungerService, rekaj3773, SenorTacoz12, antonm23, NoCeasefires, Rosuav, fakeeyou, mldevelopment, jellydance, kingswerv, Chibigirl24, DrJavaSaurus, BelowTheStoneDev, Bloom_molly, Rlchibi, SuperChihuahua, swattkidd, isaischannel, kyprimo, ImJustSteel, Krakka25, MisterHex, muppen1976, DEAD_P1XL, PokemoHero, KillFighter23, ThatNerdViolet, thegooseofwild, KitAnnLIVE, MStewGT, ReaLyfeOG, Clarkio, matthewkosloski, prasanthlouis, Il_Mika, UltraHal1, atd285, FerynTV, Zuulmofo, blakeparsons12, MoltenSnowman, SausageCam
And to all the folks that helped in adding scores and leaderboards!
Instafriend, Instafluff, ChatTranslator, jellydance, sparky_pugwash, MacabreMan2, thegooseofwild, Theoneandonlybigbadmo, stresstest, pipskidoodle, Moopaloo, oto_9717, KitAnnLIVE, UltraHal1, DevMerlin, nazabar, MrRayKoma, PinataHero, luaeo, Stay_Hydrated_Bot, Bloom_molly, LMOrchard, rdmusser, prasanthlouis, Jabokoe, IlyaBakhlin, XTlNAX, ScrtSolstice, Rkcteddy, tescogeorge1, Isidorf, kingflecki, SausageCam, malfunct, swolemaz, LamerYo, Kyoslilmonster, PokemoHero, codeheir, losthewar, CaseyGeske, BungalowGlow, FuriousFur, zivivi1, TheSabbyLife, donaldwm, NULLYUKI, Chibigirl24, smilesandcode, C0D3_Monkey, ZauzyDumpling, MalForTheWin, Gwozilla, simrose4u, cottonsmiles, NlghtSprites, 0BuRner, Sum_Wun, Jwh1o1, NinjaFalcon_2, joshbwr, thomasnhermansen, knugensugen, foxotic, fd_god92
- Install NodeJS - https://nodejs.org/en/
- Open the directory in a Command Prompt/Terminal
- Install Dependencies:
npm install
- Get a Twitch Chat OAuth Password Token - http://twitchapps.com/tmi/
- Create a file named
that looks like this:
OAUTH=[YOUR-OAUTH-PASS HERE] # e.g. OAUTH=oauth:kjh12bn1hsj78445234
- Run Server:
npm start
- View the webpage from your web browser! http://localhost:8000