An editor window to invoke methods, observe values and change them on editor play mode.
- Should work with Unity 2018.3 or later
- Works with both Dark and Light themes
There are 2 ways to install the package
- You can install via git url by adding this entry in your manifest.json
- You can clone or download this repository and add the
folder into your projectsAssets
- You can open Observer window through
Window > Tools > Observer
- Requires
Function | Argument 1 | Argument 2 | Argument 3 |
Observer.Log | string Category |
string DisplayName |
object Object |
Observer.Value | string Category |
string DisplayName |
object Object |
Observer.Button | string Category |
string DisplayName |
object Object |
Observer.Header | string Category |
string DisplayName |
string Title |
Observer.Seperator | string Category |
Registers a value to watch over. To update values, call corresponding function again.
Observer.Log("Log Examples", "String Value", "Test String");
Observer.Log("Log Examples", "Boolean Value", true);
Observer.Log("Log Examples", "Int Value", 150);
Observer.Log("Log Examples", "Float Value", 1.50f);
Observer.Log("Log Examples", "Double Value", 1.50);
Observer.Log("Log Examples", "Vector2 Value", new Vector2(2,2));
Observer.Log("Log Examples", "Vector3 Value", new Vector3(2, 2, 2));
Observer.Log("Log Examples", "Color Value", new Color(128, 128, 128));
Observer.Log("Log Examples", "Enum Value", MyEnum.MyValue);
FYI: This should be only used within editor for testing purposes Registers a value and allows you to update it through editor. Unsupported objects will be shown as "Unsupported Type".
// Boolean Example
Observer.Value("Update Examples", "Boolean Type", m_BoolTest, (object val) =>
m_BoolTest = (bool)val;
// String Example
Observer.Value("Update Examples", "String Type", m_StringTest, (object val) =>
m_StringTest = (string)val;
// Integer Example
Observer.Value("Update Examples", "Integer Type", m_IntTest, (object val) =>
m_IntTest = (int)val;
// Float Example
Observer.Value("Update Examples", "Float Type", m_FloatTest, (object val) =>
m_FloatTest = (float)val;
// Double Example
Observer.Value("Update Examples", "Double Type", m_DoubleTest, (object val) =>
m_DoubleTest = (double)val;
// Vector2 Example
Observer.Value("Update Examples", "Vector2 Type", m_Vec2Test, (object val) =>
m_Vec2Test = (Vector2)val;
// Vector3 Example
Observer.Value("Update Examples", "Vector3 Type", m_Vec3Test, (object val) =>
m_Vec3Test = (Vector3)val;
// Color Example
Observer.Value("Update Examples", "Color Type", m_ColorTest, (object val) =>
m_ColorTest = (Color)val;
// Enum Example
Observer.Value("Update Examples", "Enum Type", m_EnumTest, (object val) =>
m_EnumTest = (ObserverEntryType)val;
Registers a button and invokes given function
Observer.Button("Button Examples", "Function Call Button", TestFunction);
Observer.Button("Button Examples", "Anonymous Call Button", () =>
Debug.Log("Hello, World!");
Creates a space with a title
Observer.Header("Update Examples", "Header Example");
Creates an empty space
Observer.Seperator("Update Examples");
Please feel free to contribute!
- Create issues for both issues and feature requests
- Create pull requests to develop for anything listed in issues
- Please use prefixes such as Add, Fix, Update etc. before your commit message
- Please be brief about your commit message
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.