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This is the shared babel preset configuration used by the JavaScript track. Shareable configs are designed to work with the presets and plugins feature of .babelrc configuration files. This means you can use the same configuration you're used to on Exercism in your on projects!

⚠ It's customary to define dependencies such as @babel/core as peerDependency, so it's easy to determine its version by the including project, but because this preset is designed for end-usage, and we want to consolidate updating its dependencies in one place, we currently include these as hard dependencies.

You can still override the version included via the package-lock file, tools like shrinkwrap, or dependency resolution such as yarn provides.


To use the configuration, open your babel configuration file, and add the following value to presets. For example, for JSON based configuration files:

  "presets": ["@exercism/babel-preset-javascript"]


Find the configuration here. It's goal is to enable babel's preset environment, and occasionally introduce experimental syntax before it becomes widely adopted (stage 3 and beyond, for those following TC39).