This outputs a normalized representation of Elm Code, to make automated analysis easier within Exercism.
Thanks to Elm Platform Worker Example for the initial template.
npm install
To compile the representer code, you can run elm make --optimize src/Main.elm --output=src/main.js
in your terminal.
Alternatively, you can simply use the following npm script, configured in the package.json
npm run make
If the code requires the Debug
module (which it currently doesn't), use instead npm run make-debug
that remove the --optimize
from the command.
To normalise a file (bob.elm) and save normalized code to bob-normalized.elm and identifier mapping to mapping.json
cat bob.elm | node src/cli.js mapping.json > bob-normalized.elm
To normalize all the example files in this repo
This repo also contains the Docker configuration for integration with Exercism.
To normalise an Exercism solution using a Docker container:
# Mac / Linux
./bin/ bob /PathToThisRepo/example-bob-solution/ /PathToThisRepo/example-output/
# Windows
./bin/run-in-docker.ps1 bob /PathToThisRepo/example-bob-solution/ /PathToThisRepo/example-output/