Login to your GitHub account
- create a new repository named username.github.io. Say if your github username is saketh34, your repository name will be saketh34.github.io. This will be your homepage. PS: You can add a description if you like.
- Check out the following websites to download free portfolio website templates from colorlib, Start Bootstrap, Themezy, BootStrap zero or Bootstrap made.
- Or you can clone this repo and makes changes to the files to represent you projects, play around with the UI and give it your own look
- Make sure your website includes - Projects that you have worked on, Skills, Contact information
After you have made all the changes to reflect your profile, simply add the files, commit and push to master branch If you are using any other online template, copy the files in your github repo, index.html files should be present and at the root path of your github repo folder
Once the code has been pushed, simply go to yourname.github.io