The Z plugin adds z directory jumping to Sublime Text; quickly open directories that you frequent on the command line.
A valid z installation is required.
This project is not longer being maintained.
Press cmd/ctrl + shift + p to open the command palette.
Type Package Control: Install Package
and press enter. Then search for Z
Clone this repo as Z
into Sublime Text's Packages
directory. (Preferences > Browse packages...)
git clone Z
From the z GitHub page:
z tracks the directories you visit. With a combination of frequency and recency, it enables you to jump to the directory in mind.
// Shell executable: "/bin/bash", "/usr/bin/zsh", "/usr/local/bin/fish"...
// If empty then environment variable $SHELL is used.
"shell": "",
// Choices are:
// 'best_match' — best match is used (z --echo <dirRegex>, no search)
// 'list' — list matches to choose from (z --list <dirRegex>, then search)
// 'list_all' — search list of directories based on 'frecency'. (z --list, then search)
"mode": "list"
Open the command palate and search Z: Jump to directory
and press enter. Depending on the mode
setting you can either enter a directory RegEx or search a list of frequently and recently visited directories from command line z
cmd/ctrl + shift + o: jump to directory using selected mode